making video games where you violently butcher animals to make burgers does not make people care about the animal abuse going on in the food industry, it just makes them angry that you would make such a game and target it towards children

aside from this, it seems peta’s biggest impact has been making the public convinced that their movement is taking animals out of shelters and euthanizing them, and it has been a great boon for meat industry lobbyist groups to have someone to point at whenever they get into a scandal from animal mistreatment

note: I am not anti-vegan (unless that means specifically c/vegan) or anti-animal-welfare (duh) but I am not vegan either (I am also not an industry shill lmao)

I hope I cooked with this one, I apologize if I have gotten anything wrong (in the case that I did cook, meme does not contain animal products)

meme is oc

    1 month ago

    I generally support veganism, vegetarianism, pescatarianism, flexatarianism, and just broadly encouraging people to decrease their meat consumption and make better choices about their dietary animal products. Factory farming conditions being only one of many important reasons I do so.

    In my opinion, PETA has single handedly done more to impede constructive conversations about the above than any other organization I can think of. If I didn’t know better, I would assume it was formed by strategists for the meat industry.

      1 month ago

      Or has just been the target of an endless smear campaign than every edgy person loves to buy into and regurgitate