Donald Trump fired off an angry middle-of-the-night attack on “highly overrated Jewish Governor” Josh Shapiro after he spoke out against the former president at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday night.

    2 months ago

    I am not talking about othering people because they have different opinions about capital gains taxes or whether the local high school should have money to rebuild their stadium.

    I am talking about a rapist who led a violent insurrection and a party who actively talks about violence against his opponents. That is not democracy. That is fascism in the making.

    And people are permitted to vote how they like. Someone could get out there and run on a platform of “little boy dicks are awesome”. That doesn’t mean they deserve to be accepted into society because they actively are not part of society at that point.

    Freedom of Speech is the right to say stuff. it is not the right to not be judged for it.

    And all this “we have to meet in the middle” bullshit? Again, let’s do that for socioeconomic issues. There is no fucking middle for basic human rights. Unless your idea is that trans people can only breathe every other day. And women are only allowed autonomy of their body if they can get an appointment before noon?

      2 months ago

      Your are misrepresenting my position. I am not suggesting that we “meet in the middle”. I’m say that if their ideas suck, attack their ideas.

      Furthermore, I understand your position and have respect for it. I was there too. We need to promote and communicate better. Harris’s version will actually lift these same people, but they just don’t understand that because of the GOP’s and related Media’s poison.

      Or,just continue to go down the mindless road of hate, that seems to be working splendidly. Anyway, thanks for the discussion!

        2 months ago

        When someone has shitty ideas, you attack the ideas. And, more importantly, you explain how they would actually benefit from UBI or whatever.

        When someone openly wants the extermination of a people because they were born the wrong gender or want to enslave women? When they are all but saying they want to rape their political opponent?

        They don’t count as people anymore. They are monsters and should be treated as such. Anything less is normalizing that. Which is exactly what we did with decades of “We have to show love to the neonazis so they can choose love” bullshit. We went from nazis being the universal evil that you can do any horrible thing to in media to needing to be careful to not portray them TOO negatively out of fear of death threats.

        And also? Former neonazis don’t talk about how Jamal Walker next door was so nice to them that they just had to reevaluate if replacement theory was maybe a bit wrong. They hit rock bottom. They are abandoned by their families and often have their faces eaten by leopards. And then they decide they want to be in society again and put in the effort to maybe stop calling for the eradication of others and so forth.

        So, again, fuck off with that steven universe “We just have to all be friends and love each other”. The moment someone’s “political” beliefs descend into stealing basic human rights and enslaving others? They don’t deserve to live in society anymore.