Rectangles can also be cat magnets.
congrats on never throwing out an amazon or chewy box ever again now that you have a cat :)
“I fits, I sits” predates the Big Bang. By orders of magnitude.
It’s been observed in nature so much that we are beginning to believe it is a fundamental paw of the universe.
You mean it isn’t?
they feel safe in a box, plus a small box lets them curl up into a little ball, keeps their (naturally warmer than ours) bodies warm.
Related thing to know:
Cats are liquidThat’s not something cat owners just say for fun. Its true. No gap or hole is too small, cats just flow through the smallest spaces. And sometimes they like to sit in small places and cry for your attention. Don’t get fooled into thinking they are stuck. Most of the time it’s a choice.
Don’t get fooled into thinking they are stuck.
And they will be very annoyed if you “rescue” them
Edit: Added quote to make it clear. Although lots of things you do will annoy your cat
It applies everywhere, too. Open drawers, laundry baskets, small chairs.
Just know, that if they sit in your lap, you’re legally obligated to never move an inch, never sneeze, never disturb their peace.
I don’t care that you’re 5 hours late for work. The cat of the house has spoken!
Luckily, you can just say you’re incat-pacitated and you’re good.
This is why fire stations have dogs. They love cats, rescue cats, but they can’t have a cat on their lap when the call sounds.
Thats true. It’s well documented the problems that stemmed from the Chicago great hobo vehicular housefire tragedy of 1888.
The smell of burning human flesh filled the brick road streets, as time traveling cars burned and burned. But firefighters could only sit and smell the horrific night as cats purred in their laps.
Some say the whole thing was a cat conspiracy to rid the world of the humans who couldn’t afford to give them nightly tuna.
Whatever the truth was, it was established that firefighters were not to have cats any longer. As for why they chose the dalmation as the pupper of choice? Well, thats a story for another day, my friend!
I have that fan, it’s excellent apart from the awkward design decision to have the radial dial start at max and work down!
Still, a good purchase!
Also, that’s a fine beast you have there!
I am in the market for a new fan, do you know the brand and the model?
It’s a Vornado, I just had a look at it and am no wiser to the model however. Was recommended to me by a friend and has been a pleasant, if a little pricey, suprise!
That’s just normal fan design to make sure the motor has maximum torque on startup.
Their entertainment is very simple: bring back empty box and crumpled piece of receipt paper.