You can completely opt out of the credit card spam ones with a simple sign up on a federal website, but I forget the exact one and am too lazy to hunt it down. Only lasts 5 years though
Or you can do a full mail in thing for the lifetime one, might do that since I just hit my 5 year and started getting spam again
It’s not a federal website, it’s a “joint venture among Equifax Information Services, LLC, Experian Information Solutions, Inc., Innovis Data Solutions, Inc., and TransUnion, LLC (collectively the “Consumer Credit Reporting Companies”).”
So it’s not technically government-enforced in any way, but the credit bureaus just kind of decide to honor it to be… nice?
You can completely opt out of the credit card spam ones with a simple sign up on a federal website, but I forget the exact one and am too lazy to hunt it down. Only lasts 5 years though
Or you can do a full mail in thing for the lifetime one, might do that since I just hit my 5 year and started getting spam again
The site is OptOutPrescreen, by the way!
It’s not a federal website, it’s a “joint venture among Equifax Information Services, LLC, Experian Information Solutions, Inc., Innovis Data Solutions, Inc., and TransUnion, LLC (collectively the “Consumer Credit Reporting Companies”).”
So it’s not technically government-enforced in any way, but the credit bureaus just kind of decide to honor it to be… nice?
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