• Fredselfish@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Had a friend when I was a kid that Always had the lasted video games and systems. His grandparents bought him anything he wanted. He was a total asshole. He would throw taturms if he lost, resulting him destroying said system our games. But didn’t mater grandparents just would replace it. Hated that fucking kid, but he had all the latest games so always was hangings out there. He was a fat little kid too. His brother was cool though.

      Never forget the night me and his brother playing the 11th Hour on the PC. Which was major because computer were fucking expensive. Anyway we are having a good time solving the puzzles when his fucking brother jealous we were having fun without him came over and pour coke on the computer and started breaking the disc we hadn’t gotten to yet.

      Never again did we get to play that game and I started to hang out less and less with him. Thinking of it now don’t know why I did in the first place. But I got to play on systems I never would have another wise. Like the Virtual Boy and Sega CD.

    • saltesc@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Yeah. He picked on me for being poor and my mother did her best by getting this…

      …which was actually a really fun game. Ye threw it in the toilet, but I pulled it apart, dried it out, and it worked again.

      • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOPM
        2 months ago

        A lot of those LCD games sucked, but every so often there would be a decent one. Glad your mom was able to get you a fun one.

        Really, it isn’t so much about the technology as it is what you do with it. I did have a Gameboy, but I have a much older brother and I inherited his Merlin and I probably played it just as much.


        Anyway, there were some super shitty Gameboy games, so I hope your bully only had those.

        • saltesc@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          My dad got me a GameBoy Pocket many years later. Still got it and still works. Was my pride and joy, even though GameBoys weren’t all the craze anymore by then.

          • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOPM
            2 months ago

            I had the original, but the games were super expensive, so I had three of them: Tetris, Super Mario World and Batman, to my enjoyment as a kid, in that level of suckitude. Tetris was fun until I beat it every time. The other two were too hard for me. Also, Batman just sucked as a game.

            By the time the GBC and then the Pocket came out, I was in college and “too old” for “kids games,” so I played “real” games on a computer. Never had an NES and never bought another Nintendo product until the Wii. Now I wish Nintendo would put out a modern version of the Wii.

            • BobGnarley@lemm.ee
              2 months ago

              You’d think they would it was amazing how that system specifically reached such a large audience. A lot of older people even liked it.

              I will forever wonder why they just abandoned the whole idea after it had so much success.

              • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOPM
                2 months ago

                Right? Nursing homes were putting it in. Both my parents and my in-laws got them and they were all retired by then.

                I really don’t get it.

        • Waveform@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Oh shit, I’m 95% sure I saw one of these in the early 80s and have been wondering what it was ever since…

          • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOPM
            2 months ago

            I’m sure you did. They were super popular in the late 70s. A lot of them ended up in garage sales when Atari consoles and the like came in.

    • radicalautonomy@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I actually know this dude. His name is Bradley Cunningham. He lived a couple streets over and was my brother’s age when they were like 10 (I was 13). He was a whiny little bastard, but of course I went to hang out at his house because they had a pool and every NES game you could ever want to play. He was always 1st player and on the NES Max controller; everyone else had to take turns with each other, either on his janky classic controller or the NES Advantage (which, despite being great for arcade games, was obnoxious with most other games).

      Bradley would always insist on getting his way. If he wasn’t winning or didn’t get to use the exact pool noodle he wanted to use like right when he wanted to use it, he’d cry out "DADD-EH!!! Because he knew his dad would ask us kindly to go home because he was a shit parent who didn’t want to deal with the headache of putting out fires and oh wait that’s not Bradley Cunningham, sure looks like him though.