I’m not spending the additional 34min apparently required to find out what in the world they think neural network training actually is that it could ever possibly involve strategy on the part of the network, but I’m willing to bet it’s extremely dumb.
I’m almost certain I’ve seen EY catch shit on twitter (from actual ml researchers no less) for insinuating something very similar.
I’m not spending the additional 34min apparently required to find out what in the world they think neural network training actually is that it could ever possibly involve strategy on the part of the network, but I’m willing to bet it’s extremely dumb.
I’m almost certain I’ve seen EY catch shit on twitter (from actual ml researchers no less) for insinuating something very similar.
A sneer classic: https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/131rfg0/ey_gets_sneered_on_by_one_of_the_writers_of_the/
That’s it!
[Taking the derivative of a function] oh fuck the function is conscious and plotting against us.
It’s called a function plot for a reason!
to be fair, assuming computers are like that because they hate all humans and want to fuck you up is basically true
that would explain
.I once tried to install a haskell package
it has been
days since I last accused a web standard of being a basilisk