This is neat, I saw someone at a protest a few weeks ago with this same sign, didn’t realise it had a history.
It’s a recent photo (as in the last 20 years), photographer just prefers black and white.
Still rad though.
Vietnam protest?
From what I can tell, this was a climate change protest in response to the 2020 bushfires in Aus. Looks likes that’s scomo’s face on the sign but could be wildly wrong.
edit: sorry wrong year
Netflix price hike.
Looks like 80’s to me, but. Maybe.
This is recent, just black and white. There are a couple cell phones in the photo
I thought it looked recent B&W but glad to have confirmation. clothes and hairstyles would surprise me if 80s
The oldest hit on tineye was Nov 2020 via twitter
“How dare you peasants act like your opinion matters. We’re gonna be more shit, now.”
-The people in power
Further from the ruling class: “You peasants should be greateful that we’re not as shit as those other guys *points at the worst possible example in the World*”
“Do your jobs before we grow up and come for them.”