• Mellow@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Die a hero or live long enough to become a villain. Kurt punched his card before it could happen to him too.

      • Kongar@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        5 months ago

        Agree 100%

        I’m sure it was presented to the band like this “hey will you do a private show for a dump truck of money?” Of course the answer is yes. As if he has any way of knowing what’s going on inside a company, who’s specifically on the invite list - come on…. He’s a rock star - he plays shows for money, bitches, and blow. That’s all there is to it - he ain’t the villain here.

      • HonkyTonkWoman@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        Seriously. This is as shitty as the Right boycotting Budlight.

        Go ahead & burn your FF tunes. Hell make a social media post about it. It’ll do good, we promise.

        Why don’t you wait & see what Dave does with money? Anybody know what his charitable interests are?

        Y’all just want to burn some one & you’ll burn your heroes as easily as your villains. Buncha fuckin’ assholes.

        • dependencyinjection@discuss.tchncs.de
          5 months ago

          To be fair the right boycott things for being inclusive. I like to boycott things for being divisive or shitting on the little guy.

          Does it matter? To the companies and people I boycott, probably not. But I know I’m not giving my money to people I don’t agree with.

          • HonkyTonkWoman@lemm.ee
            5 months ago

            I guess my point is, in what way is Foo Fighters playing for Amazon divisive?

            Amazon was going to pay someone to perform at that show & that performer, regardless of whether it was FF, was not going to convince Amazon to give that money to employees that deserved it.

            So what exactly did the Foo Fighters do to earn this level ire? You’d rather Amazon gave that money to another performer?

            If everyone really feels that strongly about FF taking this gig, then start a campaign telling FF how you think the money should be spent.

            I’d certainly consider that a better use of everyone’s anger.

            • dependencyinjection@discuss.tchncs.de
              5 months ago

              Divisive. Just look at these comments.

              The argument if it’s not them it’ll be someone else is pretty weak.

              I may as well rob my neighbours house, if it isn’t me it might be someone else aye?

              Yeah I’d rather they give it someone else if it goes against FF morals. I certainly would have turned it down if I were them.

              • HonkyTonkWoman@lemm.ee
                5 months ago

                Look, congratulations on being able to turn down a paycheck from Amazon. I myself would absolutely take that paycheck from Amazon.

                But I digress… So, back to the topic at hand.

                In what way is any of this FF’s fault? What have FF done to divide anyone? Perform?

                Amazon wanted a concert. Amazon got a concert. Amazon was going to get a concert, regardless of who performed.

                Your argument is that FF are fault because… because why? They should’ve turned it down?

                Who should have performed for Amazon then?

                If that argument is so weak, you go right on ahead and tell me who the ethical choice would be for an Amazon concert? Dua Lipa? Green Day? Chris Brown?

                You know what? Your right. Every single established musical act should have displayed the mental fortitude & character to turn down Amazon’s money.

                The key word there is SHOULD, but should isn’t always realistic.

                Be mad at Amazon. I’m with you on that. But blaming a band because you don’t like person who signs their check is pretty self defeating in my opinion.

                The Foo Fighters don’t owe any of us shit & our opinions on their income streams are irrelevant.

                • dependencyinjection@discuss.tchncs.de
                  5 months ago

                  Thank you. I really do turn down money for what I believe in and I’m not rich, I just think there is more to life than money. As a software developer I could earn a lot more by working for say a gambling company, but I wouldn’t do that as I find the industry particularly morally bankrupt.

                  You’re conflating what they have done wrong with what I finding morally acceptable. FF can do whatever the fuck they want and be fine, but they can’t do whatever the fuck they want and still receive my money or attention.

                  It’s not that deep. FF don’t even know I exist, and they’ll continue to be rich and successful. Just without me compromising my beliefs.

                  I don’t know if the devil performs these days but I think he would be quite fitting. Perhaps if Hitler was alive he could paint them some pictures.

                  I’m not trying to dictate who performs for the Amazon execs, just that whoever it is isn’t getting my money.

                  You know who does get my money, based on their moral fortitude and beliefs. Someone like Macklemore. I will support people whose beliefs align with mine.

                  I really don’t know how I can be any clearer than that and I find it staggering that I have to defend myself in here, but you are fine with FF performing for execs from one of the most parasitic companies in the planet. If FF and Amazon can do what they want without recourse then so can I no?

                  Let me ask you this. Do you just not care if you contribute to the worst aspects of society? Would you ever not give a company your money if it’s something you want?

                  I forgo a lot of purchases as I can only find them on Amazon. I’ll pay more to buy things elsewhere. I don’t support McD, I try to avoid nestle as much as humanly possible. I left Facebook over a decade ago when they did nothing about rampant misinformation. I don’t support Weatherspoons in the UK over how they treated staff during Covid. I wouldn’t bank with Barclays as they invest in Israel etc.

                  • HonkyTonkWoman@lemm.ee
                    5 months ago

                    You’re standing a moral trapdoor. If you’re going to blame Foo Fighters for taking Amazon’s money, you’re going to have hold morality against every other artist on Amazon Music. Every artist selling physical media on Amazon. Every artist participating in any Amazon sponsored summer music events. Every last one of them.

                    Provided you manage to do that, rid your musical world of every artist attached to Amazon, go for Ticketmaster next.

                    Then go for the ones who allow Budweiser, Miller Lite, or Deathwater to be sold at their venues. All of them are produced by corporate behemoths killing this planet.

                    Moving forward from there, we could start breaking out all the shitty record labels you should have issues with, before going onto any band that has performed with an instrument made from a questionable source of wood (ahem…).

                    If this what you’re willing to burn your fandom over, I feel sorry for you. I hated that Pearl Jam caved to Ticketmaster, but it didn’t change my opinion of their music.

                    It’s the music that speaks to you. You’re the one allowing some odious sense of morality about corporate contact take it away from you.

                    What in the hell is rock & roll about that?

                    And for the record, I don’t even like the fucking Foo Fighters. They sold out long ago.

                    I give money to musicians who make music that speaks to me & I’m for sure as shit not going to let a corporation get in the way of that.

                    If Jeff Bezos wanted to give Widespread Panic $50k for a show, I’d support it. Why? Because John Bell directly supports Hannah’s Buddies, Dave Schools & Jerry Joseph have supported an organization bringing guitars and lessons into war torn communities in the Middle East, because JoJo supports musicianship rebounding from Katrina, especially in communities of color.

                    If Jeff Bezos wants to give a band I like a metric shitton of money, I feel relatively at ease in assuming they’ll do something better with that money for society than Bezos ever will.

                    But go on you. You keep fighting that good fight… hope you can still a find a band that isn’t tainted.

        • bolexforsoup@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          5 months ago

          The right boycotted bud light because they were being transphobic. We are simply calling attention to the fact that Dave Grohl does not need the money and doing a show for Amazon execs is a decision he didn’t have to make. I’m not boycotting him, I don’t suddenly hate him and want him to die or something. So please do not compare me to the bigots who decided that a few beer cans showing someone who is trans was basically the end of the world.

          Many of us are critiquing his decision and some of you are really upset by it for some reason. We have that right and it’s a valid thing to point out. Would you not judge him for playing a trump rally?

          • HonkyTonkWoman@lemm.ee
            5 months ago

            Right, but you have no clue how FF will use that money & you’re willfully ignoring that Amazon has already infected the music industry.

            Your moral outrage at FF completely ignores that the band lost a drummer & cancelled a tour on the heels of a global pandemic. You have no idea what their debt to cash ratio is and whether they intend to use that cash to keep costs down for fans or maybe even help Taylor’s family with it.

            This thread has seen half of a story, chosen their villain, and are now willing to jump on anyone who might show a modicum of patience and empathy.

            So go ahead, call out the Foo Fighters for taking dirty Amazon money… but you still only have a story.

            • bolexforsoup@lemmy.blahaj.zone
              5 months ago

              I have a feeling Foo Fighters/Dave Grohl must mean a lot to you and this must be a very difficult discussion for you to have. I’m not really sure I deserve the snipes you are taking at me so I’ll just leave it there. Hopefully you’ll understand the response to it isn’t as binary as your making it out to be, and that you don’t need to be so angry/hostile for people questioning the decision of a successful musician. It’s just a discussion about what we perceive as social responsibility.

              • HonkyTonkWoman@lemm.ee
                5 months ago

                I’m not a fan of the Foo Fighters I think they’ve already sold out & while I don’t dislike them, I’m not a fan.

                What’s difficult about this conversation is that everyone else has made it black & white, over whether Amazon’s money is tainted.

                That’s everyone’s only argument, Amazon money is bad & the Foo Fighters shouldn’t have taken it.

                But… that argument ignores the nuance I’m trying to point out.

                That money was going to be given to a band or musician for concert full of gross Amazon execs. Full stop. That is all it was ever going to be used for by Amazon & neither you or I can stop it.

                So if the Foo Fighters shouldn’t have taken that money, than who should have received it? What band would you prefer to have played for Amazon?

                That concert was going down with it without the Foo Fighters. So if not them, then who?

                • bolexforsoup@lemmy.blahaj.zone
                  5 months ago

                  You’re saying everybody else has made a black-and-white, but I am here trying to talk to you about it in a nuanced way, which you responded to by attacking me personally and pushing it back into a more black-and-white discussion. I’m not really sure what you want out of this so I think it’s best we just let it go. You seem quite heightened for somebody who is not emotionally invested in it.

                  • HonkyTonkWoman@lemm.ee
                    5 months ago

                    I’m emotionally invested in it because I’m sick of letting corporations take things I love away from me.

                    I have been to hundreds of concerts, followed bands across the country, and spent hours upon hours waiting in line for tickets. I used to go stand in line at a damn Kroger to get tickets so I could avoid paying Ticket Master more money.

                    I live music & I hate corporations trying to put their names on it.

                    I have not made of this black & white. I am not the one drawing a line in the sand with the Foo Fighters. I’m here trying to convince you all from walking away from something that makes you happy because of some self righteous sense of morality.

                    The Foo Fighters simply did what the do, perform music for money. Everyone else is black & white over where that money came from. Not even what the band did with the money, just where the money came from.

                    Bad news friend, you aren’t going to find clean money in the music industry. It’s all foul.

                    You want to abandon something that makes you happy or think less of it because dirty money touched it? Your fuckin loss.

                    But don’t call yourself a fan. If you were, you’d at least have the patience to hear the band’s side of it before coming in a thread like this joining in on all rage bait in here.

                    That music is yours to love, don’t give it to Jeff. That is my only investment in this conversation.

          • SoleInvictus@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            5 months ago

            Keep in mind the prevailing sentiments of any post are heavily influenced by who shows up first. In this case, a number of people showed up with opinions antagonistic to your beliefs. It’s not necessarily representative of the community, just the majority of the people in the comment section at that time. Those with beliefs that run contrary to the prevailing theme in the comment section may decide just not to comment instead of being involved in conflict, further reinforcing the bias.

      • WldFyre@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        Didn’t he and the band literally promote AIDs conspiracy theories at concerts?

          • bolexforsoup@lemmy.blahaj.zone
            5 months ago

            I have no skin in this game dude, I don’t hate Dave Grohl suddenly. I just think this performance was incredibly tacky. You’re way too defensive about this.

            He’s a performer. Who he performs for does matter to some degree. If he played Trump’s inauguration, for instance, people would rightfully judge the decision.

            It’s not like he needs the money at this point. He can be a little more discerning.