• HipHoboHarold@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I feel like a lot of the comments are kind of proving the point. If we say we don’t like Biden, then suddenly everyone assumes we aren’t voting and therfore are helping Trump. In reality, the meme literally says nothing about voting. That’s everyone else jumping to that conclusion.

    “I’m just reminding everyone!”

    Don’t worry. We all know how elections work.

    “I don’t care if you don’t like him! I care about votes!”

    Cool. Then let me not like him.

    • stanleytweedle@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I don’t ‘like’ Biden but I am voting for him. I’ve never ‘liked’ any politicians I’ve voted for- they’re just the closest thing available to the tool I want to represent my interests in government.

      You don’t have to tell me you’re voting for Biden but your ‘not liking’ him is irrelevant to me, because I do too. So if that’s all you’re talking about I can’t help but assume you’re focusing on irrelevant issues and ignoring the most important one right now- voting in 2024.

      If you want to talk about specific policy goals, executive actions, legislative initiatives- I’d be interested. But if your focus is just abstract sentiments about a single politician that you only have one other, existentially shitty option for- you should expect to be dismissed by pragmatists that are focused on election outcomes.

      If you ever find yourself ‘liking’ a politician, take a big step back. They’re like lawyers- you want the most effective one you can get to represent your interests- but don’t pretend they’re not professional snakes that will bite you the second your interests are no longer aligned. In politics the only means you have to keep those interests aligned is voting.