It really isn’t. What you’ve described is every business plan ever, not psuedo-rent seeking or lessening the product for profit. You not liking their new choices is a personal problem, not an issue with the company.
That’s literally been their business model since the beginning, it just used to be that the content was Umezawa’s Jitte or Chrome Mox and now it’s Gandalf or Doctor Who.
The real pack sellers are power creeped cards, not the IP of that set.
Producing content entirely to gather attention in the hopes of boosting sales is exactly that
It really isn’t. What you’ve described is every business plan ever, not psuedo-rent seeking or lessening the product for profit. You not liking their new choices is a personal problem, not an issue with the company.
That’s literally been their business model since the beginning, it just used to be that the content was Umezawa’s Jitte or Chrome Mox and now it’s Gandalf or Doctor Who.
The real pack sellers are power creeped cards, not the IP of that set.