• FreddyDunningKruger@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    I’m not under any delusions. ANY political party wielding power is going to make decisions that help some people and hurt others. It can’t be helped it’s the nature of power itself.

    I’ll repeat, the Democrats have won the popular vote 7 out of 8 times since 1992. They have the more popular policies on their side, and only have to fight rhetoric like yours. What are you doing to help change the Democratic party, hm? Tea Party and MAGA have each managed to get their fucknuts into power and change the direction of the Republicans towards fascism. What’s your plan, how does whinging in comment section trying to create voter apathy towards the Dems do anything but put Trump in office?

    In life, you have two mutually exclusive options: you can be right about something, or you can be effective. So you go ahead and keep on being the rightist guy in the room. The people who focus on being effective will manage to work around you.

    • alcoholicorn@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      The dems are on a trajectory to lose the election. Your tactic of pretending otherwise is both wrong and ineffective.

      I am not trying to create voter apathy, I am trying to create anger to encourage people pressuring the dems to do the things they need to do to win.