Looked up a video of a gentle one. A revolution takes about 2𝜋 seconds, at which the speed in m/s is the same as the radius in meters, or around 5. Multiply by 3.6 to convert into 18 km/h, which seems realistic for the milder ones. The apparent horizontal centrifugal acceleration will then be 𝑣²/𝑟 = 5 ms⁻² ≈ 0.5𝑔, which corresponds to an angle of approx. 26° from the verical, reasonably close to the video.
The one depicted in the image probably goes about 2x as fast, pulling perhaps 2𝑔 horizontally for an angle of approx. 63°.
Looked up a video of a gentle one. A revolution takes about 2𝜋 seconds, at which the speed in m/s is the same as the radius in meters, or around 5. Multiply by 3.6 to convert into 18 km/h, which seems realistic for the milder ones. The apparent horizontal centrifugal acceleration will then be 𝑣²/𝑟 = 5 ms⁻² ≈ 0.5𝑔, which corresponds to an angle of approx. 26° from the verical, reasonably close to the video.
The one depicted in the image probably goes about 2x as fast, pulling perhaps 2𝑔 horizontally for an angle of approx. 63°.
How does one count in π • seconds?
“One, two, thr- pi”
It’s about 6.5 seconds in the video. I rounded that to 2𝜋 so I could do the math in my head (other than the tan⁻¹(0.5), of course)
Damn he mathed all over them
I’d let them math all over me anytime 👌😩🧮