These people have been tricked by billionaires with a huge media reach. We should be banding together to tell the billionaires dickheads to fuck off, not further dividing ourselves.
Even if you don’t want to hang out with these people, you still very likely have far more in common with them than the assholes trying to fleece us for everything we’ve got.
Something that’s stuck with me for a long time is this quote within a quote about Susan Sontag:
“She was asked what she had learned from the Holocaust, and she said that 10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and that 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and that the remaining 80 percent could be moved in either direction.”
As I said to the other response, I know in my brain that you are right. I, as a city dwelling tech worker, my interests align more than someone who works with his hands in the suburbs than with a billionaire. We’re both labor.
I still want to hit the maga-hat who’s frothing about how the gays are ruining their christmas, but I know that’s not really helpful.
Important to remember that collaborators are not without blame in all this. If they will not denounce the fascists, it doesn’t matter if they’re working class or not. They’re traitors.
HitlerPig is easily the most prolific traitor in American history, more than ALL other American traitors combined. Anyone who still supports him, is as much a traitor as he is.
I know in my brain you’re right but in my heart there is nothing but malice.
But as you say, what would earn forgiveness? If this somehow ends and we go back to “normal”, I think a lot of maga-hats won’t ever admit fault. They won’t see the bigger picture, and they’ll fall for the next con.
Same here. They’re actively hurting people I care about and it makes me so angry.
For me forgiveness will have to be on an individual level. It’s a lot harder for me to hate a single person than a faceless mob. I’m planning to figure it out when I’m confronted with the problem. Fingers crossed that starts happening soon.
Agreed; I think a lot of them will pull the same teabagger bullshit they pulled after W did his gigantic bellyflop and even they couldn’t deny it any more. Or at least not most of them. They bided their time with the teabagger party, claiming they never heard of this W guy and who is the Republican Party, anyway, they are in this fictional thing called the “Tea Party”.
If, at long last, people finally realize what a total asshat and completely inept dumbass donvict is, they will find every way possible to do zero introspection and pretend they never heard of the guy. Then bide their time for the next complete asshole that gives them a permission structure to be awful excuses for human beings and huge dopamine hits by saying and doing terrible things, just like donvict does…
This is assuming we even have a country left after 4 years of determined destruction from the Russian asset in the WH right now…
If they can honestly come to the realization that they were wrong, and that they’ve been used and taken advantage of, that’s all we really need. That realization will make them very angry, and need that anger so it can be converted to action
While they may finally be persuaded to reject HitlerPig and/or MAGA, that doesn’t mean they’ll start supporting Democrats. More likely they’ll just find whatever new movement is ready to replace MAGA, but it will be just as treasonous and racist.
At this point, write down the information of anyone still flying a Trump flag, and put them at the top of the list for when the purge begins (August or before)
Anyone who’s been supporting trump is a scumbag or idiot. Anyone who’s still supporting trump is worse.
We should never forgive them.
These people have been tricked by billionaires with a huge media reach. We should be banding together to tell the billionaires dickheads to fuck off, not further dividing ourselves.
Even if you don’t want to hang out with these people, you still very likely have far more in common with them than the assholes trying to fleece us for everything we’ve got.
Something that’s stuck with me for a long time is this quote within a quote about Susan Sontag:
“She was asked what she had learned from the Holocaust, and she said that 10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and that 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and that the remaining 80 percent could be moved in either direction.”
-Kurt Vonnegut
As I said to the other response, I know in my brain that you are right. I, as a city dwelling tech worker, my interests align more than someone who works with his hands in the suburbs than with a billionaire. We’re both labor.
I still want to hit the maga-hat who’s frothing about how the gays are ruining their christmas, but I know that’s not really helpful.
Important to remember that collaborators are not without blame in all this. If they will not denounce the fascists, it doesn’t matter if they’re working class or not. They’re traitors.
HitlerPig is easily the most prolific traitor in American history, more than ALL other American traitors combined. Anyone who still supports him, is as much a traitor as he is.
Much as I want to agree, forgiveness has to be on the table. We want them to change and be better.
What it takes to earn forgiveness is debatable.
I know in my brain you’re right but in my heart there is nothing but malice.
But as you say, what would earn forgiveness? If this somehow ends and we go back to “normal”, I think a lot of maga-hats won’t ever admit fault. They won’t see the bigger picture, and they’ll fall for the next con.
Same here. They’re actively hurting people I care about and it makes me so angry.
For me forgiveness will have to be on an individual level. It’s a lot harder for me to hate a single person than a faceless mob. I’m planning to figure it out when I’m confronted with the problem. Fingers crossed that starts happening soon.
Agreed; I think a lot of them will pull the same teabagger bullshit they pulled after W did his gigantic bellyflop and even they couldn’t deny it any more. Or at least not most of them. They bided their time with the teabagger party, claiming they never heard of this W guy and who is the Republican Party, anyway, they are in this fictional thing called the “Tea Party”.
If, at long last, people finally realize what a total asshat and completely inept dumbass donvict is, they will find every way possible to do zero introspection and pretend they never heard of the guy. Then bide their time for the next complete asshole that gives them a permission structure to be awful excuses for human beings and huge dopamine hits by saying and doing terrible things, just like donvict does…
This is assuming we even have a country left after 4 years of determined destruction from the Russian asset in the WH right now…
If they can honestly come to the realization that they were wrong, and that they’ve been used and taken advantage of, that’s all we really need. That realization will make them very angry, and need that anger so it can be converted to action
While they may finally be persuaded to reject HitlerPig and/or MAGA, that doesn’t mean they’ll start supporting Democrats. More likely they’ll just find whatever new movement is ready to replace MAGA, but it will be just as treasonous and racist.
At this point, write down the information of anyone still flying a Trump flag, and put them at the top of the list for when the purge begins (August or before)