source: @[email protected]
There should be a class where they force you to install arch Linux without the automated install script and force people to learn how an OS works, or even make them do a Gentoo installation. You only pass it if you get to a fully functioning PC with a web browser and desktop environment
How did we fail so hard? Where did we go wrong?
You’re old
Let’s be fair though. Adobe changes the Acrobat interface every two weeks for no reason. PDF has always been an absolute shitshow, super slow, walled garden format. After like 30 years it’s still a 30 step process to add a note box with an arrow that looks half decent
Yea surprise some people are good at using computers some are bad, has nothing to do with whatever generation someone is apart of, generation labels are so dumb. Literally every “milleinal” I’ve known comes to me for their computer problems.
Not true
Millennials think it’s them , because they learned how. Gen X knows, because they wrote it.
So, the key takeaway is everyone has a different experience, and that is okay.
I remember a game wouldn’t work until i adjusted the screen resolution in like 98
> be me
> zoomer
> use linux
> i use linux
> i don’t know how to use windows, or macos
> i dont know how to use the most popular operating systems
> wait > i am the joke nowThe more I think about it PDFs are our fax machine and that shit just needs to go away.
Good. We don’t need to learn any of this shit. You can do it ourselves and facilitate the tools for us users
Fawk you. Boomers are happy, what about you?
And they’re almost as conservative as boomers too. Fucking shame.
The number of people in this thread stumped by the “rotate a PDF” comment, even what it means at all, while a smartphone has been 95-100% of their “computer” usage in their lives.
How the fuck do you rotate a pdf