He fuck around, and he’s now of the find out phase
“Oh no, the consequences of my actions!”
I will say though, I’ve been suspicious he’s had long standing plans to just dump Tesla at some point in the near future anyway. I’m hopeful the point he was planning to jump ship and sell off his stock has gotten beyond his control and he can’t do it without majorly fucking himself over.
Aside from everything else he’s done to get deeply involved in the oil and gas industry, what made me really suspicious was when DOGE removed all EV charging stations from federal buildings for not being “mission critical.”
If he thinks civil war is necessary but doesn’t think corporations will be casualties… then what does he define as civil war? Where less important things die? you know, those umm… soft gelatinous things. People, yes people are expendable.
This soft and gelatinous thing looks forward to a place to expend his umm, anger and frustration.
The funny thing is, he doesn’t even feel it that much. His ownership of Tesla is peanuts compared to SpaceX, where the contracts with the government are. Just some food for taught 🤔
? ~60% of his wealth is estimated to be in Tesla shares
His net worth is definitely affected by Tesla shares declining
No, it actually ~13% while on SpaceX being the owner he has a share of ~42%
It’s not what they were talking about though. They said tesla shares were 60% of his wealth, not that he owned 60% of tesla.
I can’t find the actual number but it looks like tesla shares were 75% of his wealth in 2020, and fell to 37% in 2022 when he sold some.
So it’s definitely hurting him
So what you are telling me, is that 37% of what he made till 2022 is from Tesla, yes, that is true, but if it fell from 75% to 37% in just 2 years and it most likely fell again till 2024, that amount has to been shrinking due to a larger summ of money coming from another investment with a bigger amount of shares. SpaceX started gaining more money with the starlink project and the governmental contracts, around 2019-2020 and who has the most shares in that company? Is Elon, today his wealth is not coming that much from Tesla, he still made money from it, but we are debating small stuff to what SpaceX represents to him.
Well the subject originally was that Tesla’s drop was hurting elon, to which you said “he doesn’t feel it that much”.
By doing a quick search, I found that his spaceX shares are worth around $147 billion, while is tesla shares are worth around $98 billion. You are right that spaceX represents more, but it’s not small stuff. And to stay on topic, it seems like the value of his Tesla stock and options has declined by nearly $102 billion since the beginning of the year, which I think is not small even for him.
While you are right the contracts with the governements are balancing the losses a bit, it’s still a good chunk of his wealth, as it seems he has gone from $443 billion in december 2024 to $380 billion mid february, and I’ll take whatever hurst this mf.
I went a bit far from the main subject, what I meant with “He doesn’t feel it that much” is that it’s not enough of pain for him, and SpaceX will be his saving grace to preserve his power. I should have been more precise
Edit: Plus, I was wrong, I should have researched it a bit more. Thanks for the info
I definitely agree with you when you say it’s not enough !
He assumed his opponents would kill random people instead of targeting his property.
He probably can’t even comprehend a worldview where people prefer to attack wealth over taking another human being’s life.
That would require empathy, which he considers a weakness. So he probably is genuinely baffled by this.
I don’t know if he consider that a weakness.
He’s a narcissist and it’s how they work, they just miss empathy and they can’t recognize their errors.
I was looking for someone saying this. He was envisioning a bunch of us poors fighting each other when he called for civil war. He never thought it would be all of us against him.
It really does show that violence might be the only way to get through to these people. Not that I would ever advocate for such a thing directly myself of course of course. But if this is the only thing that gets their attention, it seems like he’s inviting more of it.
Sow wind, harvest storm.
Common Sense Skeptic’s videos sure are fun to watch again.
Personally i think the level of violence could be a little higher still… Or way higher! Burning megafactories levels of higher.
Well, civil war levels of violence would be higher. Are you saying Elon was right lol?
If it happens to a poor defenseless megafactory outside the US is it still civil war?
“A sufficiently broken clock can randomly be right an arbitrary number of times per day”.
Who is Elizabeth helgelien?
Who cares, we know in which asshole her tongue is and that’s all that matters.
I’m still not convinced that isn’t just insurance fraud to try to recoup some money for junky cars no one wants while pretending he’s a political victim.
Good luck getting that proven in a court
Does any of court even matter anymore when the president is in your back pocket?
The funny thing is the first tweet was right, just wrong in his intention. I don’t see this ending without a civil war.
It’s what they want. They are gambling on it.
I think it’s what we want too at this point though.
Serious question, what are we meant to do with all the die-hard Trumpers? Like there are people who are willing to kill for him, people who have gladly sacrificed their relationships with their friends and family for him. Even in the absolute fantasy world where the U.S. gov could be fixed via electoralism, we’d still have about a third of the country that is hungry to kill the other 2/3rds.
At this point it looks like our options are either re-education camps, or bloodshed.
I think it’s a trap. I think liberal institutions need to actually unify and resources. Money talks. Nothing about that has changed. Buying out board seats within corporate media, flooding the zone with lawsuits, staging organized major protests around the country, continuing to press back on right wing controlled social media (e.g. Facebook and Twitter). Think of it like laying a sort of political and legal siege to slow them down and starve them out rather than giving them what they want. Will that work? I have no idea, but I know walking into a trap surely won’t.
I don’t understand how you guys down south are still asking this question? It’s obvious to us up in Canada, how is it not clear to you that you are ALSO and probably even moreso going through an existential threat. Get prepared, be ready, start that now. I know we are.
maybe because it would be nice to avoid having our entire country kill each other? Maybe because all the people who have been brainwashed by our right-wing propoganda centers don’t really deserve to die just because they were duped?
What, are we supposed to be happy that we’re rapidly heading towards the bloodiest conflict America has ever seen, just full speed ahead on death and destruction? You think it’s pointless to even try and care about the monumental loss of life?
As long as they don’t step into canada, all that will be waiting is a bullet and a disgraceful burial.
They are going to do it from within Canada, just like they’ve done elsewhere. That infection already exists in Canada. Just hope it doesn’t spread.
It continues to amaze me just how many grown-ass adults have seemingly never moved beyond schoolyard-levels of maturity. This is like typical childhood bully stuff. And that’s before we even get into these immature manbabies actually have real power over people…
When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.
- Donald Trump
I’m not even joking.
So, I had to look it up, and first grade in the US is children that are 6 to 7 year olds. Which means that oddly enough, Donald seems to have told something true in his biography.
Holy shit
Yeah, that is actually, legitimately, terrifying. It also shows how insulated from reality these people are. They haven’t developed beyond being nasty schoolchildren becuase there was no impetus for them to.
Property damage is not violence, say it with me now
What I meant to say was that you’re wrong. Destruction is violent any way you cut it.
Don’t spout dumb shit so quickly.
Ask AI if destroying someone else’s private property is a violent act.
“Say it with me now”
Ew god… I don’t know why I torture myself like this.
Ah yes, the all knowing AI lmfao
I destroyed my toilet this morning. Am I violent?
Destruction of property isn’t violence, but words are?
This gets a screenshot.
Who said words are?
Overly effeminate soy boys. Liberals. Leftists. Woketards.
Words isnt violence.
Oh, you’re just a fucking moron. Gotcha.
Get triggered more, snowflake
Uhhhhh I don’t recall saying that
Which half of that are you confused about?
Between this and sharing screenshots to giggle about internet people, you sound like a teenager.
Im not actually screenshoting, but…
“Property damage is not violence, say it with me now”
Screams low T soyboy and is a priceless quote.
But yes, destruction of private property is a violent act.
When the threat is credible, words are much more violent than burning a car, sheesh. You’re being manipulated by your desire to be manly. What kind of weakling even cares about threats until the Nazis are at your doorstep, when you can simply fight them off with your big hairy penis.
Come at me scrublord I’m ripped
Pm me a pic of your --ck
“it with me now”
He didn’t mean for it to affect him, his share prices, or his job!