There are plenty of treasonous Republicans at the state level, managing elections. They were very active over the last four years getting MAGATraitors into influential election positions. Rolling Stone had a landmark article last year identifying hundreds of MAGATraitors in important election positions around the country.
Besides, between Muskrat, Russia, and China, and probably more, they have the best hackers on the planet to manipulate the process.
Elections are run at the state level, so they won’t be that interfered with.
Not that it will matter; rigging the states with Republican state governments is more than enough
There are plenty of treasonous Republicans at the state level, managing elections. They were very active over the last four years getting MAGATraitors into influential election positions. Rolling Stone had a landmark article last year identifying hundreds of MAGATraitors in important election positions around the country.
Besides, between Muskrat, Russia, and China, and probably more, they have the best hackers on the planet to manipulate the process.