Do you think if he kneels down and kisses trump feet he would be okay? I’m so worried damn…
Muh investments
Notice how even when potentially becoming self aware they still say it’s having a negative effect on “conservative Canadians” as if they’re the only demographic that would be pissed about a hostile foreign power threatening to take their sovereignty.
The “In-group” is the only one that matters.
Even if Biden had been as “out to lunch” as they all claimed (which was so crazy it hurt to see), even if he was worse, then at least the people around him knew what they were doing.
We’re instead now surrounded by people like the crazy drunk fox news weekend host Hegseth and "one of the victors re-writing history Patel.
These aren’t even serious enough people to have a conversation with. I legit think they would device immediately into literally saying “hurr durrr” if asked about their behavior for more than a couple minutes.
I legit think they would device immediately into literally saying “hurr durrr” if asked about their behavior for more than a couple minutes.
Too bad every news outlet is so terrified of losing access that they never fucking do
Aw poor babies maybe they shouldn’t have voted for a selfish worthless puppet manchild
Lol what morons. They deserved to be fleeced for all they’re worth - they’re still goddamn idiotic enough to believe Trump is a business man or that he doesn’t explicitly want the “company” tanked.
This person is rich enough to own stocks. It’s good that they’re feeling some negative effects of what they voted for, but calling a 15 % dip in their portfolio “suffering” is kind of devaluing the actual human suffering that Trump’s policies are causing.
Anyone who must be employed to survive is one of us, I’d say. Even “millionaires” understand that pressure. Still, it probably doesn’t matter if they have any realizations because they’ve all served their purpose to him.
As if conservatives place an iota of value on any human life apart from their own.
Yea but they’re never going to find that empathy so at least there’s this
Oh, but there IS a national bankruptcy filing, little brainless Timmy.
You’re not going to like that at all.
A fresh bowlful of faces for the leopards to snack on.
the idea is to convince the rabble that invading and taking over Canada is…noble, warranted, patriotic and an American right. just as the Nazis did in the 30s
Just getting exactly what they voted for. Zero sympathy for these cunts. Hope their iNvEsTmEnTs crater to nothing.
A business man who has failed to sell: Booze, football, and steaks…TO AMERICANS.
Which is because he tried to put his name on all of it and charge a premium. No actual added value. Just his name. Turns out that’s not a winning strategy.
wasn’t until he figured he needed a cult following, first
Can’t forget gambling.
I don’t even know how that’s possible, casinos are barely legal money printing machines. People drive hours to the middle of buttfuck, nowhere in many states just to gamble, and his were in major cities for Christsake, lol.
It is very unsettling to see him in financial control of all of us again, after crashing the economy once already.
True. LOL.
If these people existed in the past, before modern society broke the process of natural selection, they’d have perished long ago.
I wish I had saved it. On r/conservative they posted a meme where libs said they told you this would happen and they say they don’t care because they wanted it to happen. That would love lovely next to this.
He’s a BAD business man, how do you retards not know this. And it’s a country not a business, it was never meant to be run like a business…
Jesus Christ I hate these people
Hey, Blake, would you mind editing the R-slur out of your comment? We don’t do ableism around here.
Additionally, he was always a bad businessman