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Modern surveillance state.
I never gave these things a second thought, but yeah, they are pretty awesome actually.
IRL wiki about the shit around me?! Fuck yes!
My only problem with these are that the plastic on them is always somehow smudge/frosted enough that you cant read a thing.
Plastic? We have plenty of them here and none is out of plastic.
Is their not a plastic sheet covering the posted maps and signs? Like the structure is wood, but most I have seen have a plastc covering over the display.
And ya sometimes the scratches and smearing and graffiti makes it unreadable.
The bougie ones have glass… That might be what they are referring to.
I do a lot of hiking and most often it’s plastic. Weirdly you find the glass covered ones in usually boring trails in small towns that seem very rarely traveled. I have even seem some that are just cork board, with nothing covering it. The pages are either lamented, or less desirably slipped into a 3 ring binder type sleeve and stapled.
At least here the actual papers and stuff pinned to them are covered by a locked hinged window made of plastic.
A “noticeboard with a roof”?
Not sure I like your tone there bud
I feel compelled to read what is on these wherever I see them. I love them.
There is this nature reserve I like to go to nearby. They have a whole row of these setup explaining stuff about the region, the plants, what they do to preserve it (which is a lot). There’s also some along the walking route with relevant explanations about some of the plants and animals present at that location.
Until one day some fucking asshole during Covid got a lot of shitty anti-vax stickers and plastered them all over the place. All over all of the info signs, the walking route markers, basically anywhere they could. It must have been hundreds of stickers.
Next time I came there I reported it, but they said they were aware. People had tried to remove the stickers, but they were those really shitty paper stickers that just fell apart instead of coming off. They also weren’t water proof, so withing two weeks they weren’t even readable any more.
Some time later the people managing the place attempted to remove the stickers but it didn’t work. In the end they used such a strong chemical it not only removed the sticker but also damaged the plastic underneath. Those things were constructed of a metal plate with the prints on them and sandwiched in between acrylic. The kind of thing that will hold up for years outside and is easy to clean. The acrylic was also treated with an anti-graffiti coating, but that didn’t help against those shitty stickers I guess.
The signs were all but destroyed at that point and a forest manager told me they didn’t have the funds to replace them all. Some of the sings have since been replaced, but there are still a lot left damaged.
It ruined my peaceful place and made me hate anti-vaxxers even more. I used to go there to escape from all the awful stuff in the world during Covid as it was one of the things one could still do to not be locked in place all the time. People suck.
Use goof off or goo gone. Adhesive removers. Gone real quick.
But yeah fuck those idiots.
Or 91%+ iso, or mineral oil.
And scrape with razor blade.
And do small test patch of chems in an inconspicuous area any time you have a new chem/surface combo.
But yeah.
Reminds me of visiting the Adirondacks as a kid for some reason…
They’re common around designated nature trails in my country too. You’re just remembering simpler, happier times probably.
Nostalgia is both beautiful and incredibly sad at the same time.
We have one to cover our goat’s alfalfa bales, and I’ve always thought it was neat. Unless I cut my arm on the roof, then it’s not so neat
Loooove these stands, whether it’s for a local map or for posters and events.
There will be a meeting
Additionally, Council Member <smudged> has <redacted>
Here is a map of the area not to scale
Maps with hats.
They can also have pockets, sometimes. It’s peak something or other
I only think of one thing: nostalgic park memories.
The ones put up by my region’s park system usually have 4 sides and are even better.
Each side is typically like:
Trail map
Park/trail rules and contact info
Local flora and fauna info
Local ecology info and history
This thing means - “Beyond this point remains some collection of natural items that rednecks have yet to destroy, or that venture capitalism has failed to monetize, yet.”
National parks are kind of hard to monetize for VCs if private capital isn’t allowed to own them
It won’t be long till that is the case