Anything a store gives you “free” (as Anon says Papa John’s garlic) has already been priced in.
I worked in a gift shop, we did “free” gift wrapping and it was beautiful. But the cost of boxes, rolls of ribbon and reams of tissue paper were factored into our markup throughout the store. We had really nice things, so a lot of our customers would come in for a gift and spend as much or more on items for themselves, which just needed to be bagged. Maybe bubble wrap for the trip home, but that was reused from things shipped to us. So we made extra profit, while also giving them and their friends ideas for their next gift. Wealthy people, so they didn’t care.
Yeah, this is how businesses work. They provide what you are looking for at that moment. But to get you to come back, they “provide” other items and services for free to get that future business. This is a way businesses can be “long term” greedy. They’ll still make a profit because those additional costs are in the price of your original purchase.
However, you aren’t guaranteed that future business. So, businesses have moved to “short term” greedy by charging for everything else while keeping the original purchase price “competitive” or just as pricey.
Or you pursue weirder spaces to get profit ie I had a boss who hated her cousin but flew to India for his wedding because the bride’s brother ran a paper factory. She came back having spent $10k on gift wrap and bags that would have cost $100k+ here. We sold bags for $7 that cost $0.13. Our highest profit item in awine shop was a paper bag. We of course would give these out for “free” when we needed to.
Anything a store gives you “free” (as Anon says Papa John’s garlic) has already been priced in.
I worked in a gift shop, we did “free” gift wrapping and it was beautiful. But the cost of boxes, rolls of ribbon and reams of tissue paper were factored into our markup throughout the store. We had really nice things, so a lot of our customers would come in for a gift and spend as much or more on items for themselves, which just needed to be bagged. Maybe bubble wrap for the trip home, but that was reused from things shipped to us. So we made extra profit, while also giving them and their friends ideas for their next gift. Wealthy people, so they didn’t care.
Yeah, this is how businesses work. They provide what you are looking for at that moment. But to get you to come back, they “provide” other items and services for free to get that future business. This is a way businesses can be “long term” greedy. They’ll still make a profit because those additional costs are in the price of your original purchase.
However, you aren’t guaranteed that future business. So, businesses have moved to “short term” greedy by charging for everything else while keeping the original purchase price “competitive” or just as pricey.
Or you pursue weirder spaces to get profit ie I had a boss who hated her cousin but flew to India for his wedding because the bride’s brother ran a paper factory. She came back having spent $10k on gift wrap and bags that would have cost $100k+ here. We sold bags for $7 that cost $0.13. Our highest profit item in awine shop was a paper bag. We of course would give these out for “free” when we needed to.