• Allonzee@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    We sold our collective spines for the confidence scheme of oligarch urine raining down on us in the 80s.

    We surrendered the class war with no terms, and have been living under class occupation ever since. Many to most Americans still defend that surrender even here at the end.

    The Ronald Reagan Jack Welch confidence scheme was the end of the United States, it’s just taken this long for a meaningful number of people to be willing to admit that we were and continue to be conned into giving away the store for not only nothing, but our own destruction. Unrestricted capitalism always leads to fascism, it is its natural goal and conclusion, a zombie government that exists solely to further the short term profit of business, scapegoating to blame the powerless for the capitalists sociopathic, avarice driven malice.

    Citizens United was just pissing on the nation’s already long dead corpse.