That is an Insult for the glorious Language of my Forebears and a Freshness that i me not listen to will. A beautiful Day wish i You, the Sir/the Dame.
Capitalizing nouns is an extremely simple rule with no exceptions that tells you what kind of word you are looking at at a glance. Compared to whatever the fuck the remainder of German grammar is, that rule is amazing.
A German media outlet had a headline in 2020 along the lines of “Wir wünschen BIDEN Kandidaten viel Glück” - “Best of luck to BOTH candidates”. It’s an untranslatable pun based on “Biden” and the German word for “both” being homophones (and also near homonyms).
Grew up in a country with mandatory German classes in school, can confirm.
I didn’t mind the capitalization of all nouns anywhere near as much as the unholy mess that is German grammar, though 🤷 😄
That is an Insult for the glorious Language of my Forebears and a Freshness that i me not listen to will. A beautiful Day wish i You, the Sir/the Dame.
Tap for spoiler
kill me lol
Capitalizing nouns is an extremely simple rule with no exceptions that tells you what kind of word you are looking at at a glance. Compared to whatever the fuck the remainder of German grammar is, that rule is amazing.
Latin be like: “syntax? Too hard. I’ll dump all complexity into the morphology.”
Mandarin be like: “morphology? Too hard. I’ll dump all complexity into the syntax.”
My one year of German from high school translated that into “I am (Joe) Biden”
A German media outlet had a headline in 2020 along the lines of “Wir wünschen BIDEN Kandidaten viel Glück” - “Best of luck to BOTH candidates”. It’s an untranslatable pun based on “Biden” and the German word for “both” being homophones (and also near homonyms).
No, you dummy! It’s “I will Biden!”. It’s saying your vote intentions, you know?
(It’s “I want both”, but I actually fucked it up, that -n shouldn’t be there. Fixed now.)