To those who live in or who have visited the United States.
Growing up in the 90’s, the “minimum acceptable” tip was 10%, average was 15%, and a good tip was 20%. These days, I just round to the nearest dollar and tip 20%, but I’ve heard these days it’s not unusual to tip up to 40%!
What do you usually do?
Americans: “I don’t care how bad the service is, you HAVE to tip a minimum amount.”
Also Americans: “My experience at the DMV was bad. Fire all government employees!”
but I’ve heard these days it’s not unusual to tip up to 40%!
That seems pretty unusual to me.
I normally tip 20%.
Generally keep a baseline 20% unless service is either outstanding or abysmal.
But if your owner decides that they’re gonna nickel-and-dime service fee me on the tab and indicate it poorly, I’m probably not going to come back to the restaurant in question.
I’m usually 25 and round up. Probably closer to 30.
I give $2 for a pizza, $1-2 if I’m picking up to go. Usually I go 15-20% for standard service but rarely tip over $30 a server unless the meal was outstanding.
I was going to answer, but then you clarified on the body of your post that you only wanted answers from people in the US, lol
in Canada, usually 15%, if the service is outstanding or i’m a regular I’ll tip 20%
Zero. I believe that the negotiations of an employee’s market value are between the employee and their employer. I don’t believe that it is my responsibility to charitably subsidize a company through the subsidization of their employees’ wages.
Your choice not to tip will make no difference to the company, but every difference to a person who suffers through customer service for a living.
“I don’t want to subsidize a company” is just you inventing a convenient way to justify what is essentially theft. Why stop at not tipping? You could probably get away with stealing IDK, playground equipment too.
Not tipping is theft now? Is everything ok bud?
At least in the US, tipping is the accepted way that we compensate certain people for their time.
If you habitually never tip, you are not paying for the service that you receive in good faith. This is theft of service.
If you don’t like tipping, patronize places that include the tip in the bill. Tell restaurant owners to change their pay structure to avoid it. It won’t be changed by you individually shirking your obligation to pay.
While your argument is sound, a server can’t feed their children or care for disabled parents with sound arguments and principled stances.
Yeah the idea is ultimately that you help enable the system by participating. Ultimately nothing changes by a couple cheap assholes refusing to tip like this guy, so you should, it would only work if everyone decided not to. It would force the industry to adapt.
Growing up, and even after working in foodservice, I was always told to tip at least 20% (almost) regardless of service.
There’s been maybe two times I didn’t tip 20% and the lower tip was definitely earned.
In the USA: 20%. In Europe: 10%. If service is exceptional or bad, I adjust up or down.
Stop tipping in EU. Last time someone asked me to tip in Germany got a 1 star review.
I do what I want.
Tipping in restaurants is normal in Germany; here’s the German Wikipedia article on the subject. Staff asking for a tip doesn’t seem normal though, and I’d find that rude.
Please don’t fucking tip in Europe, tipping culture isn’t normalized there and servers actually get a fair wage.
Tipping at restaurants is already normal in Germany, France, and Italy if there is not a service charge on the check.
As a Romanian, tipping here does very much help Hospitality/Delivery workers, as our wages are deep down the toilet.
Our tipping culture is (or was, at least) pretty similar to the US’s, 10-15% as a standard tip, 20% if you’re flush and the service was notable (checking up on you occasionally, helping you make sense of things if need be, polite, nothing over-the-top). Same thing goes for delivery people.
Nowadays, I suspect people have somewhat maintained the ratios, although this comes mostly as an anecdotal observation - I started tipping 20-25%, or even double that if I’m ordering groceries (because I stock up for weeks, so it’s quite a bit to carry), and a LOT of delivery people have remarked that it was the largest tip they’d ever received (as an average example, about a 20RON ~ $4 tip to a 100RON ~ $21 food order).
Nothing, I live in a country where it’s the employer’s responsibility to pay their staff a livable wage.
In us states with no tipped minimum wage (such as Oregon), we still tip 20%
Usually 20% and round up the change. Less of there are server issues. A buck or two more if service is super. I don’t tip if I’m standing up when i order.
I usually aim for the nearest dollar around 30%.
I’m a defense contractor and none of the “work” I have ever done in my life has done any human any good. I think it’s important to use my nonsense salary to pay the people who actually add value to society.
15% typically, more if it warrants it. Food keeps getting more expensive, so the percentage doesn’t have to go up.
15% flat always. Canada has sadly embraced tipping culture so I’ll not deny anyone the going rate or judge them at their workplace - but Vancouver is also expensive as fuck and anything over 15% starts putting meals close to the 100$ mark.
Don’t pay it. In Australia they’re trying, and I remind them they get paid well, get paid overtime, get paid a pension, and get paid more to take holidays. After being paid all that, why is the shitty machine prompting a tip?
100-200% depending on how good the service was.
Downside to this is I can’t afford to go out as often. :C
I’m almost always a 25%. I used to work in the industry in a previous lifetime, and tips were what kept me afloat. Now I’m an overpaid professional, and have no qualm paying it forward.
The only situations a will tip much less is if:
- Service was just absolutely fucking abysmal due to very clear negligence.
- It’s one of these new hipster restaurants that keep popping up, where you order and pay for your food upfront and are expected to tip then as well, without knowing how service will be. I’m not talking about food carts or kiosks either, these are actual restaurants. I hate the expectation that I should just pay an extra premium without even having a chance to evaluate the experience.