It is imo because all signs point to pilot error in manual landing compounded by weather. 33kt cross wind gusts, coming in fast to accommodate and not flaring soon enough and not leveling out because of crabbing the cross wind which was blowing snow across the runway giving poor visibility of the runway itself. But we’ll see the investigation results
It was a bombardier plane btw
Canadian manufacturer, but took off from Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. I assume a maintenance issueis the cause, but that may be a poir explanation.
It is imo because all signs point to pilot error in manual landing compounded by weather. 33kt cross wind gusts, coming in fast to accommodate and not flaring soon enough and not leveling out because of crabbing the cross wind which was blowing snow across the runway giving poor visibility of the runway itself. But we’ll see the investigation results
Mhm. Yep. Ohhh. I know some of these words.