‘In 1945, these two soldiers had hiked up into the Austrian Alps and a friend took their picture as they embraced in the snow. One soldier kept these snapshots hidden in a shoebox until the early 1990s when he handed them to a relative, along with the ring that he was wearing in the Alps photo, with the request: “Please keep these safe for me.” According to the relative, the soldier, nearing the end of his life, wanted to preserve the one thing that meant more to him than anything else. He passed away two years later.’
I’m not crying, you’re crying…
During WWII, everything was in black and white and no gaydar!
Actually the British invented the gaydar during that war. That’s how they got Turing /s
Have you seen the Turing film? It’s really good. And it’s really sad.
The imitation game ? Yeah I liked it. Actually knew most of the story beforehand because I did a thing about him at university
Did you feel it was accurate?
It’s been a while, IIRC it embellished some things and the timeline was messed up but that’s to be expected for a biopic