‘In 1945, these two soldiers had hiked up into the Austrian Alps and a friend took their picture as they embraced in the snow. One soldier kept these snapshots hidden in a shoebox until the early 1990s when he handed them to a relative, along with the ring that he was wearing in the Alps photo, with the request: “Please keep these safe for me.” According to the relative, the soldier, nearing the end of his life, wanted to preserve the one thing that meant more to him than anything else. He passed away two years later.’
I’m not crying, you’re crying…
Pair of confirmed bachelors right there.
I want to be the one to make the roommate joke, but I don’t feel like writing the roommate joke because it’s tired and uninteresting.
Cute picture, sadly common story. Hopefully, for once, humanity will preserve this lesson on repression and its consequences, rather than discarding it once it escapes our immediate view.
I want to be the one to make the
narrator: they didn’t
But I am also so so very tired, boss.
I am afraid we might have to fight a bit harder for a bit longer.
You see what happens, Larry?! You see what happens when you find a Stranger in the Alps!
I find old photos of LGBT people back in the day very interesting. Since the late 1960’s, it feels like it all just started happening around then. Seeing these photos really shifts one’s perspective.
During WWII, everything was in black and white and no gaydar!
Actually the British invented the gaydar during that war. That’s how they got Turing /s
Have you seen the Turing film? It’s really good. And it’s really sad.
The imitation game ? Yeah I liked it. Actually knew most of the story beforehand because I did a thing about him at university
Did you feel it was accurate?
It’s been a while, IIRC it embellished some things and the timeline was messed up but that’s to be expected for a biopic
They’re just good friends.
Really really good friends!
Bestie rings ♥
I have several gay friends … some of who grew up in the 60s and 70s. I find it so strange to talk to some of them and ask them what it was like to be gay in the 60s knowing that it was illegal in Canada! We like to think that this history is some ancient record that no longer matters … the people that lived this reality are still alive today and can tell you about it.
And we can’t forget it because knowing and understanding it means that we won’t revert back to this insanity.
It is still awful for even good old fashioned homosexuals in most parts of the world. God forbid you are trans in any way. As a gay man with lots of good supportive straight friends, I still encounter a huge amount of erasure in a ‘blue’ state. And this is supposed to be where conditions are best, for now.
Remember when it was a huge controversy that Ellen came out on her show in 1997?
And that was the last time a lesbian needed to appear on national tv and glad we are to be past THAT awkwardness.
I want a whole buncha lesbians exhibiting a wide range of human emotions on all media outlets on the regular. If I am interviewing and I sus you are a lesbian, I immediately want to work for you.
It’s a thing for me based on life experience. Fight me.
And they were roommates.
Probably. Maybe.
Oh my God they were roommates.
Oh my god!
Privilege is being able to love who you love and not have to keep it a secret almost unto the grave for fear of being destroyed personally or professionally or potentially even facing criminal charges.
A beautiful moment and a beautiful couple!
Lovely picture. I AM crying. You can cry too.
Even in the US, the prevalent attitude is that being gay is okay as long as you don’t show any visible signs of happiness in love.