Self defense. Violent views that would not tolerate your very existence don’t qualify for tolerance themselves.
Tolerance requires a mutual respect for each others’ coexistence. It’s kind of right on the label. You don’t have a meeting of the minds with someone whose premise begins and ends with denying that.
As badly as I want this shirt, I could never wear it. Live in rural Oklahoma and it would cause nothing but fights. Sigh, oh to live anywhere but here
I live in Ohio and wear it regularly, though I’m getting more nervous about it as the days go on.
But fuck it.
Good on you, keep at it as long as you are able, those who are in danger and stuck in the most dangerous places need to see someone sticking up for them the most. ✊
It’d be 100x more effective if you were packing.
Oh he is.
What makes you think I’m not! It IS Ohio after all.
(…I’m not 😕)
Living in Florida with two youngins, I can’t risk it. Some unpermitted asshat will blow me away without so much as a word. My wife has a banned books shirt and an Alt NPS shirt, and I worry. I have some science shirts and a Reading Rainbow (unofficial) books shirt, and I’m just waiting for a confrontation. It’s as far as I can risk.
Yeah that feels like capitulation to me.
I get your point and I understand, but that’s literally how they win: by cowing us
How does a wearing a shirt help me beat them? Does it pass legislation? Does it organize protests? Does it unionize or strike?
It sounds like you want me to endanger myself for no good reason instead of doing something meaningful. Give me a break. I’m not cowing. I’m simply not taking unnecessary risks THAT WILL DO NOTHING.
I believe you. You and your family deserve safety too
Get armed, it’ll make the inevitable confrontation that much more of a teachable moment.
There would be no teachable moment for an aggressor in this confrontation.
You never show a gun until you are in a situation where you have no choice but to employ it. Never brandish. This isnt the movies.
Oh someone would definitely learn a lesson.
Violence is everywhere even on shirts of those who are against it…
Weird that people may be intolerant of the intolerant. Maybe don’t fetishize genocide if you can’t handle a little of that same energy back.
Is that reply to me? Lol
Didn’t think so?
I’m not against violence at all.
Violence solves many problems.
I AM against authoritarian violence against the unprivileged.
Yeah that’s a hell of a shirt to wear though.
The message is clear, and people trying to defend the KKK and/or Nazis are the very same who need to see that message.
It’s a play on the “paradox of tolerance”. TLDR: If you tolerate intolerant people, the intolerant eventually work their way into power and authority.
See this is where you go off the rails. I support your idea and message but wearing a shirt of anyone getting their brains blown out is pretty hectic, divisive and inflammatory.
What part of the KKK and Nazis gave you the idea that they weren’t already hectic, divisive, and inflammatory? I would go as far as saying that it’s the whole point of the KKK and Nazis.
You cannot reason these people into acceptance of others who aren’t like them. The only way you can deal with a violent and intentionally cruel group is by meeting them with their own methods. They have no issues committing genocide, so why should I take the high road with them when they clearly have every intention of going low and taking cheap shots wherever they can?
People wearing shirts like this in public will absolutely stir the pot, but it will also cause some to think twice before committing acts of violence against marginalized groups, which is an improvement.
Those who react negatively to this imagery in defense of the KKK/Nazis are the ones you need to be worried about.
Those who react negatively to this imagery in defense of the KKK/Nazis are the ones you need to be worried about.
That is a wild statement and my entire point. That’s your thoughts, some people dislike violence full stop, regardless of who is committing and who is suffering the violence. I’m honestly struggling to think of a single socially acceptable place to wear the t-shirt outside of a protest. Even then, it’s like you’re hoping the protest turns into a riot.
Edit: and further, who the fuck said the KKK isn’t inflammatory etc? You guys really need to sit the fuck down and have a think about the shit you are spewing.
You clearly don’t want to understand my viewpoint here, so I’m just gonna leave.
I like it.
Imagine wearing this to public gatherings. It would probably ruin some relationships but the chaos it would cause would be so sweet.
I could stand to lose the relationships this would ruin
Nazi sympathizers aren’t really people I want to have in my life.
That’s not the only people who’d distaste that.
But there are people who would dislike this because of the violence it depicts.
Joe Biden must be underneath that mask
The election is over, grandpa. We got new things to worry about.
Also, what is up with your comment history? For every 6 comments in the negatives you got one controversial one at best. Not a single unquestionably positive comment with you.
Just trolling. Gotta do something while I’m on the toilet. None of my comments on here are serious.
Not a grandpa yet. That would send me into overdrive with these over the top comments
Ah, well I hope you have a serious account somewhere. Otherwise it’s giving shitting in the living room energy, you know?
I’ll make one, and make you proud
If you can’t do something positive with your time consider sitting in silence and self reflecting.
You’re not helping. Please stop?
A shitposter for real!
I like it, but please don’t wear this in public. You’re gonna scare some kids and make some parents angry and that’ll just feed the nazis. But it’s great for Saturday night’s or as a work outfit.
They would do the same to you if they had the ability, unless you’re one of them. Good people just ask that you also be good, and do your best. Good people don’t expect you to be something you’re incapable of being, like a different skin color, or gender, or the same as them. Those that expect those things aren’t good, and are hardly people. I will hug you as a sibling regardless of age, gender, orientation, but expect one of my siblings to be something they aren’t and we have a fucking problem.
To be clear. Fuck Nazi’s. If you believe whites are default better, you deserve to be left behind by the world you fucking caveman. I remember the Nazi’s that wanted to harm my family. I have a looooong memory.
Boy, there are a whole lotta shitty takes in this thread. Glad to start a conversation.
What’s a Nazi, again? I knew in high school but since then it’s become really hard to keep track of.
A seig heil salute is a giveaway.
Surprised this hasn’t been removed for not being “safe enough.”
(I fucking love it)
It fits, though.
Fuck em if they do!
FC St. Pauli has better anti-Fascists shirts and I do not want to stoop to the level of a shit neo-Nazi MAGAt.
What are you talking about “stooping to their level”? We literally shot Nazis on-sight because they were such a threat.
Just because violence isn’t graceful, doesn’t mean it’s not necessary to end a threat to humanity. Sometimes it’s the moral thing to do. Some people are simply too dangerous to allow their existence.
By punkwithacamera incase anyone’s wondering.
I had forgotten the name of this shop and was looking for it, thank you!! Lotta great stuff here
Thought it was one of theirs.
Fucking love that shop
I bought the “Doom x John Brown” shirt from their site last year and, as a lifelong Doom fan and anti-confederate, really savor wearing it when I go out.
Fuck yes. I just got a sticker from Punk With A Camera that says:
“I don’t argue with people who John Brown would have shot”
God damn that is metal.
I’m gonna buy that in my next order, hell yes.
That’s a Klansmen, not a Nazi.
The klansman mask is on purpose because it hides the face. If you went out in public with an explicit image of a guy with a Nazi buzzcut getting his brains blown out, it would probably trigger some local law about public graphic images. This probably skirts the line, but is a ‘cartoon caricature’ so is still ok to wear out.
They have similarly aligned goals, especially right now.
You pull the hood off a Klansman and there’s a Nazi under it.
Who cares, still valid in both sentiments.
I care about things being factually correct. I guess you don’t.
Brother, nazis were right wingers who demonized minorities. Anyone who punches down at vulnerable lgbt or ethic minority groups has the heart of a Nazi.
Okay StoneToss
They kind of are synonymous, no?
Not really.
Nazis would kill them too although there was some kind of KKK that joined the nazi party.
Given enough time nazis would exterminate christians too and the KKK is supposed to be some protestant anti-catholic group (but I guess that something all neo-nazis have in common, they think they would be allowed in the nazi party but they wouldn’t)
Edit. Apparently nazis didn’t know what to do exactly with black people they considered them inferior but weren’t prosecuted like the did with other minorities.
Wtf are you on about. Nazi Germany was overwhelmingly a Christian state. 54% protestant, 38% Catholic in 1939 census. Their plan was to eradicate themselves? No, the end goal was to create their own form of Nazified Christianity that would answer to the Nazi government. The Protestand Reich Church was their attempt at this.
They had no problem with Christians because they almost all were Christian themselves, they just wanted to remove power from the pre-existinf churches (Pope etc) by placing a new church under their own hierarchy.
Oh, that’s interesting. I’m not from America so I admittedly know very little about the Klan, but I always thought they operated with the same ideas as the Nazis in terms of their in-groups and out-groups. Thanks for the info!
Now you can go out and start your own chapter. Have fun!
This digression is ethically questionable. I say we just burn ‘em on the same heap.
Still counts