Sorry if this is a dumb question. I’m unsure what the procedure is.
Related question: is there any procedure for taking over an abandoned community?
My understanding is instance admins can change moderators, so depends on the instance the community is hosted on.
Yes this works on many instances. I believe some instances even have a dedicated community for this but I can’t remember any right now… I think if you search for “support” communities each instance pretty much has one and you can request to take over a community whos mod is inactive.
Why would you not want to post there?
It’s not that I wouldn’t want to. It’s abandoned and unmoderated. It just feels strange.
Some people might still be subscribed to it, so you will reach an audience. I never check whether moderators are active before posting.
Is it full of spam because it’s unmoderated or is it just empty. If it’s just empty but has a good amount of subs just start posting. A lot of times the community can police itself and if you need a moderator if it becomes more active then reach out the the instance admins that the community is hosted on.
Rather than making a new community ask the admin of the instance the community is on that they transfer the community to you. There are more likely to be subscribers already and we can prevent fragmentation of communities
I mean no disrespect but if the Admin is inactive it’s likely going to be difficult getting a hold of them.
Edit: My bad, I forget to state the admin is inactive and has been for 2 years.
Wait, you mean the mod or the admin? The term “Admin” is used for system administrators of an instance. e.g. Admins are not necessarily mods of any communities, they own, upkeep, and administer the server. Mods are Moderators of a community and not often/necessarily Admins of the instance.
If Admin has disappeared/is inactive for too long the instance wont likely stay up long. If the said community is on your instance (so, the admins of are definitely active. They can transfer the moderation of the community in question to you.
They can transfer the moderation of the community in question to you.
To add to this, if OP doesn’t actually want to become moderator of the community themselves, there are still other options - the instance admins can transfer the community moderation to a third person (I seem to remember there was even a dedicated community for finding new mods to take over dead communities), or they could potentially find a similar community on another instance.
In that case, it’s the mod who is inactive. I misunderstood.
No worries! it’s confusing, I know.
Now, if you can tell the community name we can help you more.
Or if you prefer not to say then you need to figure out the community’s instance it is on, so the server name that comes after the AT sign [email protected] and contact the Admins of that instance.
If the community is in your instance (so it’s tad bit easier: go to [email protected] and make a post about volunteering to take over a community.
Good luck and don’t hesitate to msg me or ask me here for help!
The community is [email protected]. The only mod or admin hasn’t been active for almost 2 years. I quite like lemmy and I plan on sticking around. I think I could resurect the dead community. I may contact support and volunteer. Thank you!
That plan sounds good and it should be absolutely no problem to transfer the moderation to you since it is on your instance and the mod has been inactive that long! Indeed go to the support community I mentioned and earlier and ask :)
No problem at all and good luck! Glad to have you in lemmy :)
PS. If you take over the community and want it to grow, here are some communities to get help with growing it: [email protected] and [email protected]
The request has been made. Thank you again! Long live Lemmy!
Which instance is it on?
If the instance admin is inactive, then it might be best to switch instances, yeah.
As a mod of 3 ignored communites that only get attention when I post start submitting. I really don’t get why Lemmy has such an issue with this. I’ve debated deleting mine at times because I thought no one cares and its prob why this owner has been inactive.
Lemmy is still growing and niche communities will take time to grow. I’ve also advocated for combining communities until a community grows to be too big and could use splitting into smaller, more dedicated communities.
Don’t remember which community we decided to lock and put a permanent stickied post pointing to another community for similar content until that community would become too big and we could reopen the closed community once there was a need for it.
But yeah its tough right now with smaller communities and trying to get the ball rolling. If you haven’t already, join us at [email protected].
I agree. If the mod is the only one posting it likely means there are a lot of lurkers and no one else is posting. It doesn’t mean that we should fragment the community more, it means you should jump in and start posting yourself!
The only time a mod account being active matters is when the community isn’t being moderated.
As an example, one of my meat space friends mods two or three communities, and never posts, and hasn’t left a comment in something like a year. But he still checks in daily, despite the communities being low traffic.
On the opposite end, I’m running my mouth all over lemmy daily, but none of the communities I mod have any activity at all because there’s no point to them, which means I never check them any more. So I look like an active mod to some eyes, but he doesn’t. That’s despite neither of us having ever had to take a mod action at all.
If there’s a community already established, and it isn’t active, try posting there for a while and see if it becomes active a lot of people actually scroll all because it’s more interesting on average. So new posts to a dead community can draw eyes, and maybe lead to activity from others.
If that doesn’t work, starting another one is worth the effort.
That being said, sometimes, if the community is on one of the bigger instances, starting the same thing on a smaller one can work out well
Lemmy is still a chill community. There are quite a. few communities I post to with low traffic. Gotta start somewhere. Breath some life into that community. Also, if you feet like beinga mod start the same community on an instance that doesn’t have it yet. Best of both worlds.