Last year I made a fake twitter account using a temp email just to look at some tweets from an artist’s account. The fake account had a random gibberish username, and I only used it for a few minutes and logged out. Then, about 6 months later I needed to use it again to check something, so I logged back in and noticed the fake account now had 200 followers.
Draw your own conclusions from that.
spam bots randomly follow other accounts to seem legit
How much you wanna bet that he’s careful to keep his subscriptions at exactly 169?
I’m not a Xhitter user so I have no idea what “Subscriptions” even means. How is it different from “Followers”?
I’m as ignorant of that site as you - but I’m assuming it’s something he can control, more like “Following” than “Followers,” ya know?
Thanks to that tweet some poor sap in China who runs these bots and works 7 days a week and sleeps on the floor just got woken up to make the fake followers start tweeting
China? You mean that place that blocks Xhitter?
Yeah bro it’s blocked for the public not for the government spy programs.