Just so people are aware, shinigamiookamiryuu is one of the accounts of an infamous troll who claims to be from Pitcairn known as Tynan Laird who has a long internet history of trolling behaviours, creepy comments being made towards members of an internet forum who are minors, defending CP, Nazis, impersonating people and other abhorrent things, such as telling a trans person to shoot up a school after calling them an anti-trans slur.

When I pointed this out to them, they attempted to sealion and gaslight about it.

Their modus operandi is this:

  1. They’ll say/do reprehensible things.
  2. When they get reprehension for things they’ll say to evidence of those things “it’s fake”, “it’s slander”, “you can’t read my intentions” or “you’re misinterpreting everything”.
  3. They paint themselves as a targeted victim.

Rinse and repeat.

They’ll try and avoid any accountability whatsoever and other people have pointed this out before. They like to portray themselves as a victim who is being targeted for no reason.

They are a highly manipulative person. For instance, they will claim they “apologized” for calling the trans person a slur, as if this excuses their behaviour, saying they don’t know language well, while deliberately leaving out the fact they told them to go and do what the Nashville shooter (who was trans) did, and that they, by their own admission, only apologized after others (quote) “convinced” them to. They’ll also send themselves anonymous asks to their Tumblr account to concern-troll and they have also stolen women’s selfies to use for their fake internet persona.

The reason OP’s posts are difficult to understand is because they’re trying to word the drama they’ve gotten themselves involved in in a way that makes them look innocent or misunderstood. Their main account is shinigamiookamiryuu, and they will deny that they have alts and gaslight people when the evidence is right there for people to see (such as them admitting they own the sockpuppet account and then denying it when it’s most convenient, and more recently, accidentally referring to a comment they posted on their main Lemmy account in the first person on their Reddit sockpuppet account instead of the usual “my friend”). They will lie straight through their teeth hoping people fall for it.

They will call it all “slander”, hoping that people believe them and don’t investigate further. When this excuse doesn’t work they’ll try to gaslight everyone into believing they’re “misinterpreting everything” and they’re just a misunderstood individual who is being targeted for no reason. They have accounts all over the internet and have been banned from places because they aren’t who they say they are.. Their shinigamiookamiryuu account’s username was stolen from someone on DeviantArt who called them out for the things about minors and this is something they do once anyone exposes them or calls them out, among other things such as stalking and doxing. Administrators of Bulbagarden recently perma-banned them because of concerning off-site conduct.

They have had posts removed and have been banned multiple times from Lemmy for trolling, as the modlog shows. They locked their own post after people called them out for saying Elon Musk’s Nazi salute “has been debunked though”.

If you want to go down a huge rabbit hole, there’s a person on DeviantArt who wrote up a long post detailing their antics, complete with lots of evidence in the form of links.

I’m posting this here because this isn’t the first time OP has posted here to make vaguely worded, borderline incomprehensible posts relating to dramas they’ve gotten into (them primarily using a sockpuppet account to vaguely post about dramas their friend they get into/them getting called out for something or banned from somewhere is something they also do on Reddit) and I feel like I should provide some much needed clarification and context.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    Changing the subject from “did I say this terrible thing” to “has the person forgiven me for saying this terrible thing” and acting like the second thing make the first thing untrue or something, makes you look dishonest and defensive about past bad behavior.

    …as opposed to what? As opposed to something I did staying with me forever? Most people have done something terrible in their life before. Many of these people compensate and make up for them. If you were to call it changing the subject to point out that something has been dealt with for years, it implies that there is no use in improvement.

    Maybe the very fact you haven’t read up on it all (nobody ever does, ever) explains why you think I haven’t said I messed up in the past. Maybe do what most people don’t do and read up on everything before sending me those accusations, since bias based on a brief reading is still biase. Also maybe consider that doxxing people is explicitly against the rules, unless you support that.

    • PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat
      1 month ago

      …as opposed to what? As opposed to something I did staying with me forever?

      As opposed to linking to an example of you apologizing for the past bad behavior, and saying “yes, that was a terrible thing, and I shouldn’t have said it.”

      That is the correct response. Not “Here is a challenge for you. Point to where I said anything about a shooter.”

        • PhilipTheBucket@ponder.cat
          1 month ago

          In the past three days, two of your Discord friends and one of your Reddit friends, two of whom are known here, have teamed up and convinced me, for reasons I will explain, to provide you with an apology that one might say you deserve.

          That’s your defense of yourself?

          What the fuck, man. I’m not sure how these things play out in your head but they are not making your case successfully.

          There’s a natural tendency when someone criticizes your behavior, to take it as an “attack” which you have to defend against. To stand up for yourself and say no, that’s wrong, I’m not a piece of shit, stop talking to me like I am. The thing is that people who do that too much, who feel slighted every time someone says they did something bad and they have to vigorously jump to their own defense about it because no one else will do it, are sometimes some of the most insufferable and pain in the ass people to deal with on the planet. Because they never did anything wrong. They shot your dog? Well that dog was dangerous. They impregnated your underage sister? They haven’t paid their share of rent for six months? “Why is this always about ME, don’t you see I’m the real victim here, what the fuck, how dare you, I thought we were friends…”

          Dude, I still don’t know up from down about this whole situation. I just know the little bit I have seen. But what I’ve seen is pretty unmistakable. I am sure you have other parts to your character that are shining and good, and I understand being in a place where everyone’s ganging up on you. Please then, take this in the spirit of tough love from which it is intended, based on my incomplete picture: Grow the fuck up. Own your mistakes. Stop making excuses. If you really feel so bad that you told a trans friend of yours to commit a school shooting, then instantly own it, apologize, don’t “stand up for” the bad behavior or try to mount some kind of a defense about it.

          If you separate the bad behavior from yourself, firmly and completely, then there’s no need to get defensive about anything. That was who I am in the past, and I’ve gotten better since then. If that’s still you, or part of you, then fucking stop it. Today. There is absolutely no need to give that part of yourself the slightest defense or kind treatment.

          • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
            1 month ago

            Yes, that’s my defense of myself. I did feel the guilt. Being “convinced” to apologize does not necessitate otherwise, it just means I had some talks with some people about it.

            And there lies much of this problem. People look way too much into specific wording, either overly looking into it or not considering it enough, hence this long lecture towards me.

            Ironically I often adapt my wording to accommodate for this. Not that even this always works. The apology still came from a genuine part of me and I did mean it.

            You are defending an individual (the OP) whose efforts I can prove, absolutely prove, are omnipresent as they just want to spite me as much as possible and want to make things miserable however they can.

            There are, as you said, things that inherently don’t fix a misdeed. There are, however, also things that are inherently excessive. And in looking at the original discussion starter’s efforts, you are looking the latter in the eye.