Some politicians need to show up with a group of police they trust accompanying them. Announce that they wish to peacefully enter the building and start walking forward. Make the fascists either back down, or force their hand if they take the next step and physically assault those attempting to enter the buildings.
Nooooo Democrats only know how to genosiiiide! They should go up to the EPA, and if they don’t let ‘em in, see they give ‘em a jumping roundhouse kick! KaPow! Then the next guy that comes up, WHAMMO a big ol judo chop! Then they all pull out their lasers and be all like pew! Pew! Pew!
Also, this country’s capitalist underpinnings must be destroyed. I are a trained socialastical anarcocomminist here to make sweet sweet revolution in my pants! And I’ll never vote! Because it’s dumb!
Denied access to education department by a skinhead, and did nothing.
Denied access to EPA, and did nothing.
Denied access to the treasury department, and did nothing.
They need to be doing 100x more than this, and they need to be going in armed and forcefully not letting little dweebs illegally hold them back.
Some politicians need to show up with a group of police they trust accompanying them. Announce that they wish to peacefully enter the building and start walking forward. Make the fascists either back down, or force their hand if they take the next step and physically assault those attempting to enter the buildings.
Nooooo Democrats only know how to genosiiiide! They should go up to the EPA, and if they don’t let ‘em in, see they give ‘em a jumping roundhouse kick! KaPow! Then the next guy that comes up, WHAMMO a big ol judo chop! Then they all pull out their lasers and be all like pew! Pew! Pew!
Also, this country’s capitalist underpinnings must be destroyed. I are a trained socialastical anarcocomminist here to make sweet sweet revolution in my pants! And I’ll never vote! Because it’s dumb!
This is my kind of schizoposting
Don’t be so ableist.