War on drugs certainly is not the answer to problem. Education & harm reduction, decriminalization, and supply-side testing (re: no accidental fent in your coke) would be a welcomed cultural shift forward. Prohibition will only continue to dig us deeper with folks in prison, murder, and underground trafficking schemes.
The problem for Mexico is that it can’t really take any steps on its own to solve this problem.
The failed US drugs policy results in a huge demand for illegal drugs. That results in big payouts to anybody trafficking the drugs across the border. All that contraband flowing for huge money results in powerful crime bosses. If Mexico completely legalized all drugs, it wouldn’t do much because the demand is coming from the US, not Mexico.
Mexico would love to shut off the flow of drugs into the US, because that’s the reason their country is so dangerous and violent. Without that lucrative drug smuggling route, there wouldn’t be rich, powerful narcos with their own private armies.
The moment the expresident said the strategy would be “hugs, not bullets”, everything became even worse, it was basically “let them do as they please”, there were even videos of narcos walking by and making fun of the militia in their faces.
Thar strategy is still in place so… In different circumstances, it could have worked, with the current administration (which is completely under the narcos control) it’s pointless and will only lead to the harassment of the migrants.
Not really, the culture is rotten to the core already and I’m not just talking about politicians, it would require titanical effort in every front to correct the course
Yeah, how to combat the narcos is a real issue… I’m willing to bet military force won’t solve it though.
War on drugs certainly is not the answer to problem. Education & harm reduction, decriminalization, and supply-side testing (re: no accidental fent in your coke) would be a welcomed cultural shift forward. Prohibition will only continue to dig us deeper with folks in prison, murder, and underground trafficking schemes.
The problem for Mexico is that it can’t really take any steps on its own to solve this problem.
The failed US drugs policy results in a huge demand for illegal drugs. That results in big payouts to anybody trafficking the drugs across the border. All that contraband flowing for huge money results in powerful crime bosses. If Mexico completely legalized all drugs, it wouldn’t do much because the demand is coming from the US, not Mexico.
Mexico would love to shut off the flow of drugs into the US, because that’s the reason their country is so dangerous and violent. Without that lucrative drug smuggling route, there wouldn’t be rich, powerful narcos with their own private armies.
The moment the expresident said the strategy would be “hugs, not bullets”, everything became even worse, it was basically “let them do as they please”, there were even videos of narcos walking by and making fun of the militia in their faces.
Thar strategy is still in place so… In different circumstances, it could have worked, with the current administration (which is completely under the narcos control) it’s pointless and will only lead to the harassment of the migrants.
I’d imagine mexico needs an El Salvador type approach. Not a Duterte type approach …
And a prison for these people on Clarion.
It would have to be backed with better quality of life for the citizens… So it’s never gonna happen
I could imagine removing every gang tattooed individual from Mexican society would bring much improvement in and by itself, no?
Not really, the culture is rotten to the core already and I’m not just talking about politicians, it would require titanical effort in every front to correct the course