We had a dude called Richard in primary school that went blank at the thought of a nickname. Obviously, as responsible classmates we helped him out, and he was christened Romanian Richard.
Richard was not Romanian, nor did he have any ties to the fine country of Romania.
Whatever inexplicable logic that was at play here, directed that he should have the last ten seconds of the Taz-Mania theme sung to him repeatedly, sorta like:
"Richard Romanian,
Richard Romanian,
Richard Romanian,
We mean you!"
Before making the appropriate Taz noises finishing with a raspberry in close proximity to his face. What was really weird, was that Richard didn’t appreciate this new fame and form of address, which was a real shame because everyone else did and it was highly entertaining before teachers got involved, parents got called, and it was saved for the days when Richard was really being a oil-fired arsehole.
These were the days before we drew the line from Richard to Dick, you must understand.
I can’t come up with anything better, can anyone else?
We had a dude called Richard in primary school that went blank at the thought of a nickname. Obviously, as responsible classmates we helped him out, and he was christened Romanian Richard.
Richard was not Romanian, nor did he have any ties to the fine country of Romania.
Whatever inexplicable logic that was at play here, directed that he should have the last ten seconds of the Taz-Mania theme sung to him repeatedly, sorta like:
"Richard Romanian,
Richard Romanian,
Richard Romanian,
We mean you!"
Before making the appropriate Taz noises finishing with a raspberry in close proximity to his face. What was really weird, was that Richard didn’t appreciate this new fame and form of address, which was a real shame because everyone else did and it was highly entertaining before teachers got involved, parents got called, and it was saved for the days when Richard was really being a oil-fired arsehole.
These were the days before we drew the line from Richard to Dick, you must understand.
Reasonable Richard
Daring Dick
I went to school with a kid called Richard Dick.
Nice lad, but somebody hadn’t thought that through.
Double Dick!
Dirty Dick
Rancorous should fit the average anon as well.
Or simply racist.
Deadly Dick
Delicious Dick
Rich Richard too obvious for you ri**ards?