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ID: 3 panel comic:
A surprised looking person pops in to existence on a floating rock surrounded by fire, next to the devil.
The person asks “wait a second-- why’d I end up in hell??”
The devil, now taking up the entire frame, replies: “because centrism enables fascism”
I’m not centrist because I’m on the fence, I’m centrist because I hold both leftwing and rightwing ideologies
Honest question that you dont need to answer: what are your right wing ideologies? Are they just fiscal or are they social as well?
From the rightwing side, I support private healthcare, strict immigration laws (I am an immigrant), and the lower value of human life (
From the leftwing side, I support higher taxes, UBI, public education, public transit, and work camps
And you’re okay with one side openly calling for violence against others and destroying society for the benefit of a few?
Absolutely? Free Luigi.
Nope, that’s not generally something I support
Yeah I don’t get why people like OP think not being an extremist means you feel nothing about any political ideology or position.
I agree with Democrats on most issues so I vote accordingly, but I’m not under the illusion that being closer to perfection most of the time means anything the DNC says or does has to be gospel, or I have to do mental gymnastics to make my views fit theirs.
At the end of the day they’re a political cabal that seeks to sustain itself with more votes than the other guy. For example, they had zero position on abortion until the 80s, when the GOP decided to politicize it. Because the GOP left the pro-choice crowd behind, the DNC scooped them up and added it to their platform. They don’t actually care about abortion, they care about votes.
Remember when CoViD-19 was new and everyone was wearing masks until Trump said Masks Bad so now the GOP has to be anti mask mandate? Note how that has nothing to do with “small government” or any other GOP principle.
Wouldnt each side accuse the other of that specifically whilst believing their own side doesn’t?
I’m guessing that’s the point of the question.