The irony of a centrist MAGA-lite dudebro calling other people a moron. Well, at least for now. I imagine your latest comment will go the way of your last one, <removed by mod>
We’ve all seen your type, you’re being all edgy because you’re just looking for an excuse to justify your right-wing tendencies. Inb4 your “i’M bEiNg CeNsOrEd” post on the conservative community, where you’ll probably go on some more about how women and DEI is killing the nation before telling everyone it’s regrettable you’re being forced by leftist antifa terrorists to vote republican from now on.
I never have been and never will be any part of any amount of the MAGA bullshit. I know it’s really difficult for your last three remaining brain cells to grasp but not everyone that disagrees with you is automatically a fuckin MAGA cultist you absolute clown.
Look, not that I don’t like conversing with you, because you’re such a lovely person, but at this rate it’s gonna look to everyone else like I’m having a conversation with myself.
I thought it was strange why you were defending Trump, till you started in about “tHe LeFt”. Now it makes perfect sense.
Oh ffs how would you prefer I refer to the people on that side of the political aisle? Left? Dems? Snowflakes? Liberals? Geniuses? Idiots?
Whats the term that you deem acceptable so that we can get back to the part where you are a fuckin moron.
The irony of a centrist MAGA-lite dudebro calling other people a moron. Well, at least for now. I imagine your latest comment will go the way of your last one, <removed by mod>
We’ve all seen your type, you’re being all edgy because you’re just looking for an excuse to justify your right-wing tendencies. Inb4 your “i’M bEiNg CeNsOrEd” post on the conservative community, where you’ll probably go on some more about how women and DEI is killing the nation before telling everyone it’s regrettable you’re being forced by leftist antifa terrorists to vote republican from now on.
I never have been and never will be any part of any amount of the MAGA bullshit. I know it’s really difficult for your last three remaining brain cells to grasp but not everyone that disagrees with you is automatically a fuckin MAGA cultist you absolute clown.
Look, not that I don’t like conversing with you, because you’re such a lovely person, but at this rate it’s gonna look to everyone else like I’m having a conversation with myself.
Mod here, I’m going to ask that you refrain from the personal insults. If you cannot, the next one will result in a ban.
That’s fair. My apologies.