The reason being that his father was recently divorced at the time and they had sex once while both of them were under the influence. After that his father was so ashamed of himself that he decided to become sober & has has been avoidant towards my best friend ever since.
huh, that’s one way to get sober i guess?
Is it the equivalent of being thrown into the ocean and learning to swim on the spot? What’s the opposite of exposure therapy?
Harmful avoidance, most likely.
“I see myself in you, son.” 🥴
Literally… now he doesn’t want to see him at all…
Who topped?
The dad, my best friend would rather die than top anyone.
at least he’s principled
This might be a bit niche but in the stan Twitter community (which my best friend is part of), there’s a running joke of people commenting “he can top me” under pics of relatively basic looking men and someone else replies “you d let anyone top you”. Best friend used to play into this joke a lot so when he confessed this thing to me I couldn’t help but make the connection in my head…
Aye Carumba 😍
Let me guess: the dad is a republican
We’re from Ireland.🍀
…the Republic of Ireland? …
Well now that you put it that way…
Let me guess: Some American is going to come in to .world making every post about American politics.
I’m Swedish. I just assumed everyone else was American. This story seemed to be par for the course.
That was exactly my reaction as well. I was like, have you thought about seeing a therapist…? He was like no cause I don’t feel affected at all I’m just pissed off about him purposely avoiding me since that happened.
Jesus, I can’t fathom how someone would feel that it didn’t affect them. Truly wishing the best for your friend.
Wow thats crazy. Do you know which drug(s)? I heard some can make you do crazy stuff youre not even into.
- alcohol.
my grandma’s glass front door can do that?
Only if it shatters into… crystals upon being broken…
Wow thats not what I expected
Yeah, my best friend is a former raver & club culture enthusiast. He introduced his father to MDMA after his divorce to “wind up” a bit. Who knew that’d end up basically ending their close relationship.
This better be fake.
Trust me, I wish it was.
You should probably report this to the authorities then…
Not my place nor my business what crazy shit 2 consenting adults do with each other. Funnily enough I wouldn’t even have what to report to begin with since it’s legal here.
Incest is legal?
Only between consenting adults of the same sex. Not opposite sex though.
For further details:
I suppose Ireland’s main concern is inbreeding.
Uh… that’s fucking wack. But okay.
They don’t want to end up like their english neighbors.
A nation which legislates against fathers fucking their sons?
Not that I condone incest, but yeah…the main purposes behind incest laws are: protecting minors/kids from sexual predators and preventing births of fucked-up babies, with genetic disorders. Some incest babies are almost entirely normal, others are severely retarded and/or have lives of pure pain. It’s a roll of the dice, very irresponsible, and that’s why we forbid it.
Gay fucking doesn’t result in children. And if the gay fucking is between two consenting adults…well…I don’t really want to hear about it, ever, but it’s a relationship that doesn’t negatively impact anyone besides the two people in the relationship. 🥴
i bet he really wanted you to post this so everyone knows!
I didn’t name and shame anyone… plus Lemmy compared to the Internet as a whole is like a grain of sand in the desert; everyone is a lot said…
im just saying, i wouldnt be happy if My friend posted something this private.