My heart goes out to you is the fig leaf Elon used for plausible deniability. He probably thinks he was terribly clever. Which, as it turns out, he was. Elon will get away with this and pushed the envelope of what’s possible. Others will imitate him.
This has all the elements for a softer fascist salute, where the words aren’t „Sieg Heil!“ or „Duce!“, but simply „my heart!“. A salute with the hand moving from heart to extension while saying firmly „my heart!“ works well to be visually striking.
I mean it just doesn’t matter what it was “supposed” to be. How many times have we seen things that are sooort of close to the nazi salute so people are like “hey better not do that.” And this is stuff that’s like basically just anything holding your hand in the air. This was straight up the salute lol I mean there’s no two ways about it. The question is what the intention was. And if it wasn’t intended to be some sort of nod to Nazism or fascism or something, why in the flying fuck would you do it?! lol I mean everyone in the literal world knows it would prolly be a bad idea to do anything like that but the self proclaimed Uber genius, smartest man in the world, ultra mega mastermind, God gamer musk… It just slips his mind?
I hate that narrative that the most powerful people on earth are like just morons when they do bad things. Trump got that treatment a lot and I don’t think you become the president of the USA a second time if you’re an idiot.
He claimed it was a “my heart goes out to you” sentiment.
But the “my heart goes out to you” gesture is palm-up…
Generally you don’t yeet your heart out with such force either
I’ll give him this. That shit was crisp. Almost as if he stood in front of a mirror practicing it over and over.
He grunted as well. There was force involved
My heart goes out to you is the fig leaf Elon used for plausible deniability. He probably thinks he was terribly clever. Which, as it turns out, he was. Elon will get away with this and pushed the envelope of what’s possible. Others will imitate him.
This has all the elements for a softer fascist salute, where the words aren’t „Sieg Heil!“ or „Duce!“, but simply „my heart!“. A salute with the hand moving from heart to extension while saying firmly „my heart!“ works well to be visually striking.
But fElon doesn’t have a heart
He does have a heart, don’t make that mistake. That’s one of the key areas of the body to aim at, see Figure 1: Brian Thompson.
I mean it just doesn’t matter what it was “supposed” to be. How many times have we seen things that are sooort of close to the nazi salute so people are like “hey better not do that.” And this is stuff that’s like basically just anything holding your hand in the air. This was straight up the salute lol I mean there’s no two ways about it. The question is what the intention was. And if it wasn’t intended to be some sort of nod to Nazism or fascism or something, why in the flying fuck would you do it?! lol I mean everyone in the literal world knows it would prolly be a bad idea to do anything like that but the self proclaimed Uber genius, smartest man in the world, ultra mega mastermind, God gamer musk… It just slips his mind?
The fact that he does it with such force and enthusaism too…
And turns 180 to do it again.
The guy is clearly a fucking Nazi.
And without denial.
Biting his bottom lip so hard.
so either it was an intended nazi salute or this guy is a fucking moron, or both.
He may be a moron, but he knew exactly what he was doing and he meant it with every fiber of his being.
100% and you gotta do some Olympic gold medal level mental gymnastics to even entertain any other possibility imo
I hate that narrative that the most powerful people on earth are like just morons when they do bad things. Trump got that treatment a lot and I don’t think you become the president of the USA a second time if you’re an idiot.
Same goes for elon.
There is no excuse IMO.
I mean they’re not mutually exclusive though. They can be both morons and evil.
Yeah but can they be generally stupid? I think that’s just copium. They’re not stupid.