Think about the scene in Fight Club where the homework is to go out and start a fight. It isn’t easy. Most people have never hit another person their entire lives. Men who punch walls or tear their shirts off to throw down with someone over perceived offenses are not the normal. That’s tail of the bell curve behavior. If it wasn’t, people would be fighting in parking lots everywhere you go.
The inertia of most peoples lives is to avoid conflict. This is why only a handful of people in any building you happen to be standing in are suited to leadership roles.
Now, if you can get one of those guys in the right conditions to stir up a mob hive mind then the game changes. Until then, most people will be propelled forward by inertia and conflict avoidance.
Also don’t discount the economic system working as intended. If I get off the hamster wheel to “riot,” my family quickly looses basic necessities.
Once my best alternative to a negotiated resolution moves off that reality (meaning keep my head down and my family will get through this) more options become available. The system is designed to keep a critical majority on the wheel.
This is exactly the reason these Natalists are “pro-forced-birth”. Childless adults are a threat because they don’t have to think about their minor dependents before revolting. They want everyone tied down with families so we can’t even consider getting off the wheel.
You want the real answer?
Think about the scene in Fight Club where the homework is to go out and start a fight. It isn’t easy. Most people have never hit another person their entire lives. Men who punch walls or tear their shirts off to throw down with someone over perceived offenses are not the normal. That’s tail of the bell curve behavior. If it wasn’t, people would be fighting in parking lots everywhere you go.
The inertia of most peoples lives is to avoid conflict. This is why only a handful of people in any building you happen to be standing in are suited to leadership roles.
Now, if you can get one of those guys in the right conditions to stir up a mob hive mind then the game changes. Until then, most people will be propelled forward by inertia and conflict avoidance.
This is 100% correct.
Also don’t discount the economic system working as intended. If I get off the hamster wheel to “riot,” my family quickly looses basic necessities.
Once my best alternative to a negotiated resolution moves off that reality (meaning keep my head down and my family will get through this) more options become available. The system is designed to keep a critical majority on the wheel.
This is exactly the reason these Natalists are “pro-forced-birth”. Childless adults are a threat because they don’t have to think about their minor dependents before revolting. They want everyone tied down with families so we can’t even consider getting off the wheel.