We need some green plumbers here.
Maybe if we had more people who stood up and said something instead of waiting for the magic gun fairy to fix things for us, so we don’t have to do anything, we’d actually have some effective change.
Even the ADL is sucking on the orange butthole now, we’re cooked.
what do you mean “even”? they’ve always been a zionist organization and they support the genocide. of course they’ll team up with fascists.
Stood up and did what exactly? I’ve been standing up to this shit for 20 years, the general public in the US is just pathetic and stupid and unfixable. Perhaps we got exactly what we deserve (and some of us are fucking stuck on this stupid ride).
Mask-off. Enjoy higher prescription prices and groceries, fellow Americans!
These people are so non-reality-based, I have every expectation they will still end up believing that is the Democrats’ fault.
Look east to look into the future! No, not Europe or Asia, see Russia…
Pure spite. What a fucking asshole.
Goddammit, the US news cancer will spread unabated
Lotsa hungry leopards to fatten gorging on surprised faces in the US these next 4+ years.
I sure hope to see these fuckers suffer before I probably die because I can’t afford medicine, an apartment, and food to survive.
No offense to I’m sure well-intentioned OP, but I could give a fuck about anything coming out of democrats dot org. Dems are half the reason we’re where we are today. They’re welcome to come back when they stop gobbling corporate knob and start giving even the slightest shit about the working class in this country. If you don’t hate Bill Clinton at least as much as you hate Donald Trump, you’re part of the problem. Fuck off, don’t @ me.
What was the primary source of lead consumption in your life?
Instead of verifying it yourself, you’re jumping on some bOtH sIdEs bullshit?
Shut the fuck up, man.
When did Bill Clinton attempt an insurrection?
BoooThH sIddEsSssS
You want change. You wanted something different?
You fucking got it America
I voted for Harris in an attempt to get a side of affirmation ribbons instead of a side of scapegoating, but Im still waiting for a vote in my lifetime to reign in the core rot and cause that Trump is merely a symptom in:
Fundamentally changing the shape and inhuman priorities of our economy.
Without that, we can vote good cop neoliberal/bad cop fascist all day. Wall Street owns all of us, thats what they pay both parties so well for. To protect the crony markets from the needs of the people.
The Republicans are supposed to be pro-corpo over humans. That’s their brand. The Democrats have no such excuse.
Same. That was Bernie Sanders, and the DNC stole his nomination.
Phone banked for him on two campaigns, saw the sabotage first hand. I know it’s a no win scenario for the masses.
In order for anything to improve, rather than voting for the speed of decline as we have for 50 years, this system must be destroyed by force, as both parties are completely captured and would rather lose elections then lose their respective corpo bribe gravy trains. Until that happens, or until climate change does it for us when it’s too late for civilization entirely in a couple decades, nothing can improve.
I don’t consider ribbons and affirmations to be tangible improvements either. I consider universal access to quality education, commons like parks and public transit, medical care, food, and shelter to be improvements. Those are all pipedreams under the Fascists and the Neoliberals. The signature “achievement” 9f Democrats for the last half century they won’t stop crowing about was a heritage foundation conceived plan to further enshrine for profit health insurer vulture capitalists into healthcare, and it’s worked exactly as intended.
There’s no one to vote for here. That’s not allowed. Only against in the culture battles meant to keep us at each other’s throats. This place is lost.
“Don’t blame us for not voting, ThErE WeRe No GoOd ChOiCeS!”
I voted for Harris, but there were no good choices, as has been tradition for half a century.
No one should celebrate voting for a serial killer to stave off a cannibal serial killer.
The correct choice is to vote for the serial killer like you’re attending a funeral, hate yourself for it, and mourn. Can’t imagine why so many opted to wash their hands of the situation and pretend it doesn’t exist with choices like these amirite?
The more correct choice would be to take to the streets and burn it all down to give future generations… Any chance whatsoever… but save one guy in prison in New York, we’re all too chickenshit for that, so civilization collapse by capitalist made climate change in a couple decades it is.
Go ahead and call me a genocide supporter but I don’t think Harris would have done this.
Don’t you know that voting for Democrats is the leading cause of ethnic cleansing in the middle east? Look, they’re gonna stop any second now.
Currently they’re the leading cause of a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza, but that doesn’t count does it.
How surprising, this is the reason why I voted for Harris instead of a vindictive twat waffle Trump! As he would eradicate anything that would make him look bad; since people know he would never, could never do anything to benefit anyone else unless it did something for him in exchange.
A lot of mofos need to be player 2d and now.
Here’s the “concept of a plan” he was taking about.
Want me to fix prices? K. Shit just got more expensive. Like that?