Yes, I know it could cool water down. But the problem you have if you then pump that through conventional radiators/pipes that were only built to take hot water is that condensation can start forming on them, especially in humid environments.
Heat pumps are the heat source/cold source for forced air convection. They aren’t used with 100 year old radiator systems. You aren’t running cold water through pipes designed for hot water.
That is my point. You are not getting cooling with a heat pump with a normal water based central heating system. Which is what I have. Radiators are new though, not 100 years old. It works really well for heating my house and its a lot quieter than forced air systems.
Radiator heating was invented in 1855. My grandmother’s house built in 1905 had radiator heating. By 1905 radiators had already been standard for 20 year.
Yes, I know it could cool water down. But the problem you have if you then pump that through conventional radiators/pipes that were only built to take hot water is that condensation can start forming on them, especially in humid environments.
Heat pumps are the heat source/cold source for forced air convection. They aren’t used with 100 year old radiator systems. You aren’t running cold water through pipes designed for hot water.
That is my point. You are not getting cooling with a heat pump with a normal water based central heating system. Which is what I have. Radiators are new though, not 100 years old. It works really well for heating my house and its a lot quieter than forced air systems.
Radiator heating was invented in 1855. My grandmother’s house built in 1905 had radiator heating. By 1905 radiators had already been standard for 20 year.
Sure radiators were first invented over 100 years ago, but so were cars. Most of them are not 100 years old though.