In an unexpected mask off, “secure” email and VPN provider Proton took the stance of siding with the fascist MAGA Reps. Proton’s services are no option for me and many others any longer. Let’s collect and discuss alternatives (E2E encrypted email and VPN) here 🔐👇
Always try to provide: -Server location (jurisdiction) -Governance -Integrity/trustworthiness/transparency -User experience/ease of use (grade 1 to 10, lets take Proton as a benchmark with an 8) -Pricing and links
If you knowalternatives setups, feel free to share, too.
Ask them for a cancellation and refund. Don’t explain the reason, just say you changed your mind, make up some excuse if they ask.
Why wouldn’t you tell them the reason?
Get the money back first, then say the reason. Don’t wanna bring up politics in case they wanna be a douche and deny refund.
Right, good point.
Or, do bring it up and if they’re a douche, contact your credit card company and have them issue a chargeback to the company (which costs them money). I’ve done this before to shitty companies that tried to deny legitimate refunds, it works.