How wish I could post my electoral reform copy pasta in every thread I commented in. I’ve been muted and banned in other instances for doing so. Haven’t really pushed my luck in .ml because I want to keep posting garbage content I find.
Perhaps I will be allowed one cheesy copypasta here as a treat?
Videos on alternative voting systems
First Past The Post voting (What most states use currently)
Videos on alternative electoral systems we can try out.
Alternative vote
Ranked Choice voting
Range Voting
Single Transferable Vote
STAR voting
Mixed Member Proportional representation
Can we stop letting the same 4 people make these posts to just get the dopamine kicks from starting the arguments over all over again?
It’s pointless grandstanding to get a fight started and that is basically it and it’s the same people every time. People should just be blocking these accounts cause if anyone seems like permanently online trolls or shills it’s these accounts making these exact posts like clockwork every single week.
It’s lazy and the mods seem to let it happen cause they get a kick from the banning they can dish out.
Well I voted for a 3rd party candidate in the UK election, how slow American elections are is rather amusing to me. You were campaigning this time last year and the new government hasn’t yet taken power. Meanwhile ours was all done in a few weeks.
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Organizing quietly so as not to become targets for reeducation in febuary.
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First past the post is the real problem here.
I still point out once a week. Republicans and Democrats are the problem. Entirely ditch both parties and grab a third party that’s actually terrified of happening to them, what just happened to the Republican’s and Democrats and taking our country back from the damn thieves.
But I guess with eye sight like that, you would have trouble seeing what’s right in front of you.
My city has a new Marxist Leninist party that has started up after the election. So no they aren’t gone, but they are still harebrained.
We don’t need a third party. We need ranked choice voting.
The only way to create a viable third party is to vote for them. America needs a third choice.
I don’t remember third party proponents. I remember the depression and realization that both parties continue to work hard to make this country suck more.
The best solution to the two parties excluding the left isn’t a third party, it’s for the left to register as Republicans and conduct a hostile takeover of the GOP in the primaries.
This can easily succeed in blue states/cities to start out.