The link on Hidden Palace is a 404. Maybe it’s still being uploaded or wrong path provided? Keybase “Main” Lemmy account 🐭
The link on Hidden Palace is a 404. Maybe it’s still being uploaded or wrong path provided?
I’m using LiveSync & it has been working great for me.
You’ll need something to actually host the site. I usually stick with nginx but that’s just preference. Once you get that running you can edit files for the site & start looking into some guides or tutorials for nginx.
I don’t recommend putting your site on the general internet. It’s just going to be attacked & can compromise your network. I have local web services but use a WireGuard VPN setup so that I can access when I’m not home, & not allow access to the internet.
I don’t think it will have everything you’re looking for, but I really like DailyTxT. I do have a couple other note-taking apps & seeing if I want to replace DailyTxT with Obsidian, but I like the web-hosted & straight-forwardness of DailyTxT.
It’s still the primaries where the candidate for the parties are being picked. trump is part of the republican party but is likely to receive the nomination because apparently we learned nothing during the four years this trash ran the country, took foreign money, insurrection, treason, etc.
Is there a reason(s) you’re doing NixOS over something like ProxMox? A friend of mine has been moving his lab over to ProxMox containers so i was thinking to do the same thing, but curious about NixOS since I’ve seen a few people mention it. Thanks!