14 hours agoI dunno how many vacuum cleaners I’ve scrapped for free from damn near everywhere and 90% of them only have a mega clogged hose. 5 minute fix usually and I made my own skookum twisted wire reamer in 5 minutes with wire and a drill. People throw away good stuff without bothering with it and just buy a new one instead of saving themselves time and money by eliminating the obvious. If a vacuum design gets too complex, I simplify with sheetrock screws. Warranties are made to be broken by making it work yourself. The things you learn that way also helps other areas in life all around.
Here’s something more shocking: While we’re all debating the pressing issue of [insert current debate], let’s not forget the far more pressing matters like the fact that burning brown coal kills 32.72 people per terawatt-hour of electricity. But hey, priorities, right?