I wonder if they will also show both names in foreign languages. That would only be possible for those languages that use a direct translation of the English name and then still it would be very weird to just add a new name that’s not the official one in that language.
Does anyone know other examples where two names are shown? Plenty of things have different names in different countries or languages, so I’m trying to understand what the criteria are to show both names in an international context. Maybe it only happens for languages where two names exist.
A quote from the article:
This is just plain wrong. The model doesn’t contain the privacy unfriendly logic and can be used freely and unmodified. In fact, there are plenty of other platforms available right now where you can use it that are not Chinese.
This article makes fair points, if you ignore the fact that they don’t know what they’re talking about. You need to fix the errors in your head while reading it for it to make sense. If you don’t have the knowledge to do that, the whole article is a bit misleading.