• 10 Posts
Joined 18 days ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2024


  • You are the purveyor of lying when you don’t allow any challenge to authority and criticism of viewpoints, and attempt to punish people for unapproved statements. When people are censored without recourse it proves everything you push as false because mockery never means the other person is wrong but reveals your weak persoanlity.

  • I say socialist because of forced redistribution of any code changes, nobody is allowed to keep any new development for themself to use.

    The argument that GPL helps everybody to benefit equally and nobody can keep the code for themself, that’s what a socialist says for they government must take everybody’s money to help those in need, except now the ones who had the money previously have become needy themselves and the government has all f the money and it’s not helping anybody.

    It safer for software developers to bad GPL to protect themselves from any troubles and develop on any other operating system where they can choose what code to share and what to keep secret.

    Look at how well Sony has done with FreeBSD on Playatation 4 and 5 with the BSD license. The Playstation system stays proprietary but they send code to FreeBSD for any network and server issues. Maybe Sony refused Linux for PS4 due to GPL to protect company secrets.

  • My argument is if Linux goes AGPL3 which causes each company to fork the last GPL2 release, than after a few years of each company maintaining their own forked version, they will each evolve into their own operating system designed for their corporate software rather than all coporations using a single operating system that each develop their software to run on that OS.

    But if they choose to develop on top of BSD then they will never be constricted by meaningless pointless software license.

    I am an ISC supremaist for the sake of individual liberty.