• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Yeah and my rationale for deciding how much is a little involved… Essentially, carbon offset markets are either straight up scams or over hyping the impact. Instead I donate directly to charities doing good work related to the environment or the fall out from the climate crisis. The U.S. EPA estimates that each metric ton of CO2 emitted costs society and the environment around $200 in damage from things like natural disasters, civil unrest from displacement, extinction of species, etc. the average US household emits about 17 MT/year.

    So around tax return season I go to FootprintCalculator.org and estimate how many MT of CO2 our household emitted the year prior. Then I set monthly recurring donations to the charities to roughly equal the amount of $200 times MT spread across the year. So it’s fairly automated/low effort, and just comes out a little bit each month.

    The types of charities vary, but they’re all doing incredible work, here’s some of them:

    Coalition for Rainforest Nations (the operate globally with indigenous and local communities to do everything possible to protect rainforests and reforest areas. The donations really stretch far because they predominantly work in low income areas)

    ProPublica (no paywall investigative news organization that has really hard hitting reporting that holds polluters accountable by government agencies)

    Lahaina Community Land Trust (supporting Native Hawaiian victims of the Lahaina fire and trying to prevent their land from being bought up by private equity and billionaires)

    World Wildlife Foundation (great work with preserving biodiversity and raising awareness of nature with the public. It’s hard to care about something if you don’t know about it)

    Union of Concerned Scientists (political advocacy org)

    Local food bank, urban green space advocates, and housing support orgs (the most vulnerable people in our communities experience extreme weather much differently than those of us with AC and a solid roof)

    Also agree with the other commenter about giving time

  • There are many instances where people who are indeed citizens may not have proper proof of citizenship, disproportionately among older Americans, college students, poorer Americans, victims of fires, and those who have moved around a lot. Passports are a relatively expensive document. Birth certificates and Social Security cards are fragile paper. Driver’s licenses are also not ubiquitous among people who cannot afford a car. Higher bars to be able to vote like this disenfranchise millions of Americans, often historically marginalized racial and ethnic minority communities.

    It is easier to prove residency than citizenship, because most people receive physical mail which is enough proof to register to vote in many states. Homeless shelters can also provide proof of residency. And there is very little evidence of undocumented immigrants voting in national elections. It’s a Boogeyman because Republicans want to suppress the votes of marginalized groups that disproportionately vote Democrat. Undocumented immigrants tend to do their best to stay away from high risk things like breaking laws and giving the government their information because of the risk of deportation.

  • The type of medicine described in the meme usually is this way because it is helpful at preventing heart attacks (or stroke) while taking it, but if you suddenly stop taking it then you are worse off than before. Tapering off a medication like this can be done with professional medical supervision. The warning is necessary so people know not to suddenly stop without talking to their doctor.

    …or we could maybe not allow showing ads to people for drugs with significant side effects like other countries

  • Focus progress that has been made, we solutions to the climate crisis have been growing exponentially over the past decade. And it’s not a binary issue of everything is sunshine and rainbows vs we’re all fucked. There’s more of a spectrum. Also remember the past environmental successes we’ve had with like acid rain, the ozone layer, leaded gas, mercury pollution. We’ve come a long way.

    Making any progress, no matter how small makes the future just that much better than it otherwise would be. Yes, systemic changes out of the control of anyone on Lemmy are needed, but if say every person on Lemmy worked towards reducing their own environmental impacts that could have huge ripple effects in the economy of the green transition. Just plan out pragmatically/realistically how much time, mental energy, and resources are worth it to you.

    A lot things that individuals can do to help with the climate crisis often also have personal benefits like long term financial savings, less pollution exposure, healthier plant-based diets, etc.