I was initially really confused by this meme because Neanderthals were actually creative and rather culturally rich, unlike this administration.
I was initially really confused by this meme because Neanderthals were actually creative and rather culturally rich, unlike this administration.
Awesome! I’ll add them to my list!
I want off this ride.
If American society as a whole devolves so much that I and everyone else are all fighting to survive together because we are all homeless, then society as a whole will look a lot different, structurally. I can’t speak to how resistance will look, in that case, because I don’t know what it will consist of. I imagine that we will have much better community support systems in place, since more will be needing them to survive.
I understand the community-first perspective. I agree that we survive together or die together. But we also can’t pour from an empty cup. I can’t help others if I’m fighting to survive, forced to spend time hunting down food and water and a warm bed, which also takes time away from protesting and helping others.
This American gets what you’re saying. I’m trying to figure out what I can do without ending up homeless.
That’s exactly what we need to take from this. Not that money is in control and that’s why they’re cracking down, but that they’re cracking down because they’re scared.
Young millennial, actually.
What do we do?? What the fuck do we do??
Just got three of mine updated. I just don’t understand the anti-vaccine sentiment from parents were have been vaccinated their entire lives and have no adverse effects.
Like. The critical thinking is in the negative.
It’s my generation’s joke that social security wouldn’t be available for us to retire on, but seeing it actively dismantled fills me with an indescribable rage.
If it isn’t yet, where do I donate the funds to make it happen?
Yeah, our civilization deserves to fall.
I assume soda and other bottled drinks are included in this warning, as well as any other container lined with plastic, and I think some canned drinks and food are….which, uh, sucks.
I used the tool where I could import my Reddit subs to find similar communities here, and it surprised me how many communities I was a part of that the Reddit algorithm never let me see posts from. Also, it highlighted how much more infrastructure there is to build here. It’s exciting! Like the creative energy of expanding the Wild West but without the decimation of entire indigenous communities and the murder of innocent people and animal species.
I’m in the process of switching to Proton too. I just opened the account; haven’t taken additional steps of switching login emails associated with all of my other accounts, yet. I’ll probably start with giving the new account to local grassroots organizations, first.
I’d like to learn more about what people have to say too!
I haven’t heard of those! Do you recommend?
I’ve basically abandoned Reddit as well. I’ve been on for so long, but this bullshit makes me feel unsafe. If the platform is going to so blatantly side with those who would happily let me die for a few dollars (health insurance companies), then I don’t need to give them my attention or data anymore.
I’m so glad you asked! It feels good to find kinship and community in this way!
Honestly—this is going to sound really woo-woo, but I’m not trying to—I encourage you to take the journey to find the resources yourself. Trust that your own curiosity will lead you to the right entry point and the right format for your mindset and life experiences, whether it’s book, movie, YouTube short, poem, or audiobook. The right teacher will appear when you ask the right questions. I can recommend the book that started me on this journey, but it may not resonate with you and you could lose interest.
But if you really don’t know where to start, I started with the audiobook version of Braiding Sweetgrass, and paid attention to her lessons on reciprocity and living life directed by the lessons of plants. I then moved on to Restoring the Kinship Worldview, and now I’m listening to Sand Talk. I’m also looking for documentaries.
Good luck on your journey! Let’s see how many others we can invite along with us!
They’re comparing the current administration, which is canceling all research and progress such as the invention of the wheel (or other scientific development), to the Neanderthals, who are in pop culture stupid and backward people.
But it falls flat because Neanderthals were smarter than Trump and Elon combined.