Just donated last night. I’ve been using this keyboard for the past month. I switched over from gboard. While I’ve never really used speech to text I’m just glad that this keyboard is so privacy focused. You can swap out the llms too if it fits your style
Wait I have that one! My dad has it too, but my brother doesn’t. All three of us are colorblind too lol.
I don’t know what you mean, 250 kg is a nice, round number
LET’S EFFIN GOOOOO!! I wish we could do something like that here 😭
If I wake up my fiancee prematurely I get the death sentence
Will someone explain what I’m not country enough to understand
Not really supporting either business by buying a used laptop tho?
Human productivity has exponentially increased since the beginning of the industrial revolution. We produce far more food and clothing than can be consumed and there are more than enough homes for people to live in. Generic medicine can often be produced for pennies.
There is no reason that we as a society cannot guarantee at least a basic standard of living consisting of sustenance, a safe place to rest and relax, treatment for common ailments, etc.
A great idea for gyms too with their frustrating cancellation policies.