Dang. This is almost my list as well, and the ones that are different I can totally see why they could be on someone else’s list. I like your taste in games.
Dang. This is almost my list as well, and the ones that are different I can totally see why they could be on someone else’s list. I like your taste in games.
I know it pales in comparison to most others here, but that Star Wars theory about Jar Jar Binks being the ultimate Sith mastermind instantly popped into my head.
Whatever’s the current “big” issue in showbiz. I really couldn’t care less that ABC was photographed with DEF in GHI, possibly hinting a relationship collapse with JKL, or whatever it was that people are harping about with other people’s lives.
I get quite a bit of flak from my colleagues for paying for search, but I kid you not, I don’t regret splurging on a Kagi subscription at all. It’s personally less stressful for me, having to wade through less cruft, and I think I even work significantly faster because of how I use it.
It’s sad when you think about it. Search was such a good experience in the past.
It’s unquantifiable, yes, possibly even placebo at times, but I think of it as paying for the features on top of search. I particularly find being able to create and adopt a search “lens” / focus and the ability to (de)prioritise domains very useful for my situation and needs.
That being said, I totally agree with your sentiment. I also only have limited subscriptions I can practically maintain, and I feel like this one’s earned it’s place well enough. To each their own I guess.
I’ve recently started paying for unlimited searches over on Kagi, and I’m very happy with the results so far. I’d gladly pay if it meant less search cruft and higher result quality, but sadly Google’s just been going downhill for quite a while now.
I’d like to think Firaxis and Sid Meier still hold water for Civilization at least, but I do get your point. Most of the games I go back to now and enjoy are nowhere near the ballpark of “AAA”.