The eggs aren’t even that much more expensive to produce. The hit has only been about 2%. There’s still plenty of eggs. And it’s the same with getting free range eggs instead of battery/cage - the increase in production price is pretty small, really.
It comes down to the same thing: the market charging premiums. They charge more for free range because it’s ‘luxury’. They charge more for organic because it’s ‘lifestyle’. And they charge more for eggs during US strife because it’s ‘supply and demand’.
They have the supply. They also have an excuse, and nobody is regulating them. The country doesn’t need to buy eggs en masse, it needs to regulate pricing.
It also gained a ton of market value before the election, when Musk’s relationship with Trump was announced.
It’s ‘nice’ it’s lowering at all, but last I checked it was lowering to pre-announcememt levels, it’s just flattening out the surge. A return to normal of you will.
Haven’t checked for a while so maybe now it actually IS lower than it was in July. But not by ad much as the post-inaugeration stats make it look.
Tesla hasn’t lost that much value… yet.